• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:22 mins read

This Beginner To Advanced Python Course Teaches You The Python Language The Fastest And The Easiest Way

What you will learn

Have a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.

Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches – Machine Learning, Data Science, etc..

Understand how to create your own Python programs.

Become a Python Expert

Have the skills and understanding of Python to confidently apply for Python programming jobs.

Proudly add the Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills to your résumé.

Learn Python from experienced professional software developers.


Python For Beginners Masterclass course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world – Huge companies like Google use it in mission-critical applications like Google Search. Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.

What you’ll learn:

  • Have a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.
  • Have the skills and understanding of Python.
  • Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches – Web Development, Machine Learning, Data Science, etc
  • Add the Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills to your résumé.
  • Understand how to create your own Python programs.
  • Learn Python from experienced professional Python developer (Me).
  • Learn to develop powerful Python applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! – Meaning you can code functional programs easier. IntelliJ has both a FREE and PAID version, and you can use either in this course. PyCharm will also work just fine.
  • All the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why – making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating8. You will learn the answers to questions like What is the Python For Loop, what is Python used for, how Python switch the traditional syntax of code, and more.


A computer – Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Setup and installation instructions are included for Windows.
Your enthusiasm to learn this go-to programming language. It’s a valuable lifetime skill which you can’t un-learn!
Everything else needed to start programming in Python is already included in the course.
Python topics covered in this course are:

Will I be able to learn Python from this course?

Yes you can. There are a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers all across the globe which requires a solid understanding of Python, and that’s what you will learn in this course.

Why should you take this course?

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

The very first reason why you should consider enrolling in this course is because of its simplicity and ease of learning as my primary goal is to make computer programming as easy as possible so that everyone can understand, thus learn it to enrich themselves and enhance their career.

Will I update this course?

Yes I will update this course and continue on adding new lectures on a regular basis. Technology is evolving and advancing at a rapid pace. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning it’s crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge. A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python can be counter productive and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.

What if you have questions?

As if this course wasn’t complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you might have around the clock which means 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all). This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.

Are you ready?

Enroll now and start your journey to become a Python Expert. If you wonder about the quality of this course then I invite you to have a look at my free preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.



Installing Python and Python Editors

Installing Python
Installing Pycharm
Installing Additional Plugins for Pycharm
Installing VSCODE
Installing ATOM

Python Basics

Introduction to Python
Our First Python “Hello World” Script
Variables in Python
How to add Comments in Python

Data Types in Python

Data Types in Python

Python STRING Data and Methods

Python String type Data
Sting Capitalize Method
String Casefold Method
String Center Method
String Count Method
String Endswith Method
String FInd Method
String Isalnum Method
String isalpha Method
String Isdigit Method
String Islower Method
String Isprintable Method
String Isspace Method
String Istitle Method
String Isupper Method
String Lower Method
String lstrip Method
String Replace Method
String Rpartition Method
String Rsplit Method
String Splitlines Method
String Startswith Method
String Swapcase Method
String Title Method

Numbers in Python

Numbers in Python
Python Decimal to Binary Conversion

Operators in Python

Python Arithmetic Operator
Python Assignment Operator
Python Logical Operator
Python Comparison Operator
Python Identity Operator
Python Membership Operator
Python Left Shift Operator
Python Right Shift Operator
Python AND Operator
Python OR Operator
Python NOT Operator
Python XOR Operator

Python LIST Data and Methods

Python LIST Datatype
Python LIST Append Method
Python LIST Insert Method
Python LIST Copy Method
Python LIST Count Method
Python LIST Extend Method
Python LIST Index Method
Python LIST POP Method
Python LIST Remove Method
Python LIST Reverse Method
Python LIST SORT Method

Python TUPLE Data and Methods

Python TUPLE Data
TUPLE Count Method
TUPLE Index Method

Python SET Data and Methods

Python SET Data Type
Python SET Add Method
Python SET Clear Method
Python SET Copy Method
Python SET Difference Method
Python SET Difference Update Method
Python SET Discard Method
Python SET Intersection Method
Python SET Intersection Update Method
Python SET Isdisjoint Method
Python SET Issubset Method
Python SET Issuperset Method
Python SET POP Method
Python SET Remove Method
Python SET Symmetric Difference Update Method
Python SET Union Method
Python SET Update Method

Python Dictionary Data and Methods

Python Dictionary Data Part 1
Python Dictionary Data Part 2
Python Dictionary Clear Method
Python Dictionary Copy Method
Python Dictionary get Method
Python Dictionary Items Method
Python Dictionary Keys Method
Python Dictionary POP Method
Python Dictionary popitem Method
Python Dictionary setdefault Method
Python Dictionary Update Method
Python Dictionary Values Method

Conditional Statements in Python

Conditional Statement in Python
Python Nested Conditional Statement
Python Shorthand Conditional Statement
Python Conditional Statement with AND/OR Operators

Python While Loop

While Loop in Python
While Loop With Continue Statement
While Loop With Break Statement

Python FOR Loop

Python For Loop
For Loop With Continue Statement
For Loop With Break Statement
For Loop With Range Function
For Loop with Range Functions Custom Starting Point
For Loop Custom Increment Value
For Loop With Else Block
Nested FOR Loop

Python Function

Introduction to Python Function
Python Function Arguments
Function Arbitrary Arguments
Function Arbitrary keyword Arguments
Function Datatype Argument
Function keyword Arguments
Function Pass Satement
Function Return Statement
Function Factorial
Function Recursion

Python LAMBDA Function

Python LAMBDA Function

Python Array

Python Array
Python Array Accessing Slicing
Python Array Changing Elements
Python Array Adding New Nlement
Python Array-Concatenation

Python Class

Python Class Basic
Python Class Advanced
Python Class Inheritance
Python Abstract Class

Python Console Login App Development

Python Console Login App Development

Python Scope

Python Scope

Python Global Keyword

Python Global Keyword

Modules In Python

What are Modules in Python ?
Python Built In Modules
Python Date Module
Python Asyncio Module
Python Base64 Module
Python Shallow Copy Module
Python Deep Copy Module
Python Hashlib Module

Reading JSON Files in Python

What is a JSON File ?
Python LIST to JSON Conversion
Python DICT to JSON Conversion

Python RegEx Module

What is RegEx Module ?
Regex Module findall() Method
Regex Search Span() Method
Regex Search String Method
Regex Search Group() Method
Regex split() Method
Regex sub() Method

Python Turtle Module

What is Turtle Module ?
Importing Turtle Module
Customizing Turtle
Turtle Backward Method
Moving Turtle Right
Moving Turtle Left
Turtle Shape Method
Drawing a Rectangle Box with Turtle
Turtle begin_fill() and end_fill() Method
Turtle Setposition() Method
Turtle setx() Method
Turtle sety() Method
Turtle setheading() Method
Turtle home() Method
Turtle circle() Method
Turtle penup() Method
Turtle showturtle() Method
Turtle clear() Method
Turtle write() Method
Turtle reset() Method
Turtle onclick() Method
Turtle onrelease() Method
Turtle ondrag() Method
Turtle textinput() Method
Turtle setworldcoordinates() Method
Tturtle bgpic() Method
Turtle clone() Method
Turtle bye() Method
Turtle exitonclick() Method
Turtle onclick() Method
Turtle undo() Method
Turtle Stamp() Method
Turtle clearstamps() Method
Turtle dot() Method
Turtle radian() Method
Turtle graphic Part 1
Turtle graphic Part 2
Turtle graphic Part 3
Turtle graphic Part 4

Python NumPy Module

What is NumPy
Instaling NumPy
NumPy Array
Slicing a NumPy Array
NumPy copy() Method
NumPy shape() Method
NumPy reshape() method
NumPy Looping through an Array
NumPy nditer() Method
NumPy Concatenate() Method
NumPy stack() Method
NumPy vstack() Method
NumPy hstack() Method
NumPy dstack() Method
NumPy array spliting
NumPy where() method
NumPy searchsorted() method
NumPy sort() method
NumPy random pseudo() Method
NumPy random distribution() method
NumPy random permutation() method
NumPy matplotlib and seaborn package
NumPy random normal distribution
Numpy random binominal distribution
Numpy random poisson distribution
Numpy random uniform distribution
Numpy random logistic distribution
Numpy random multinominal distribution
NumPy random exponential distribution
NumPy random chi square distribution
NumPy random rayleigh distribution
NumPy random pareto distribution
NumPy random zipf distribution
NumPy ufuncs or the Universal Function Part 1
NumPy ufuncs or the Universal Function Part 2
ufuncs add() method
ufuncs subtraction() method
ufuncs multiply() method
ufuncs divide() method
ufuncs power() method
ufuncs mod() method
ufuncs divmod() method
ufuncs trunc() method
ufuncs fix() method
ufuncs floor() and ceil() method
ufuncs summation() method
ufuncs product() method
ufuncs prod() method
ufuncs cumprod() method
ufuncs diff() method
ufuncs lcm() method
ufuncs gcd() method
ufuncs sin() method
ufuncs deg2rad() method
ufuncs arcsin() method
ufuncs hypotenues() method
ufuncs unique() method
ufuncs union1d() method
ufuncs intersect1d() method
ufuncs setdiff1d() method
ufuncs setxor1d() method

Python Pandas Module

Introduction to Pandas Module
Pandas series() method
Pandas Key Value Pair
Pandas dataframe() Method
Pandas Locating Data Row
Pandas Reading CSV File
Pandas reading JSON File
Pandas info() Method
Pandas Cleaning Up Empty Cells
Pandas Fixing Wrong Data Part 1
Pandas Fixing Wrong Data Part 2
Pandas Removing Duplicate Data
Pandas Plotting Data
Pandas Plotting Histogram
Pandas Data Correlation

Python Package Manager PIP

Python Package Manager PIP

Python Global Keywords

Python Global Keywords

Python Scope

Python Scope