• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Learn to code in Java by Solving Coding Problems
Test and Improve your Java skills by solving coding challenges

What you will learn

Learn how to code in Java by solving coding problems.

Build a strong foundation in coding and problem-solving.

Learn about different Java programming constructs and features.

Become a better programmer overall.


This course is about learning to code in Java by solving coding problems. It will help you build a strong foundation in coding and problem-solving.

I will take you through the Java introduction practice challenge from HackerRank and show you how to solve them with detailed explanations. In each section, you will find several coding problems of varying difficulty levels. You are expected first to attempt solving the problem on your own and then look at the solution only if you are stuck or to compare your solution with mine.

You will learn:

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  • The basics of programming and fundamental concepts of Java
  • How to apply your knowledge of Java to solving coding challenges
  • How to approach a problem with a clear and logical mindset
  • How to improve your problem-solving skills in Java.

By the end of this course, you will be able to solve coding problems in Java confidently.

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to code in Java. It is perfect for beginners and experienced programmers who want to improve their coding skills. So, what are you waiting for? Start solving coding problems and become a better programmer today!

You don’t need to install Java to take this course. You can use the HackerRank website to write and run your code.




Course Overview
Welcome to Java !
Problem 1 (Easy): Welcome to Java !
Stdin and Stdout
Problem 2 (Easy): Java Stdin and Stdout I
Solution 2: Java Stdin and Stdout 1
Problem 3 (Easy) : Java If-Else
Solution 3: Java If-Else
Problem 4 (Easy): Java Stdin and Stdout II
Solution 4: Java Stdin and Stdout II
Problem 5: Java Output Formatting
Solution 5: Java Output Formatting
Problem 6 (Easy) : Loops I
Solution 6: Loops 1
Problem 7 (Easy): End-of-File
Solution 7: End-of-file
Problem 8 (Easy): Java Static Initializer Block
Solution 8: Java Static Initializer Block
Problem 9 (Easy): Int to String
Solution 9: Int to String
Problem 10 (Easy): Date and Time
Solution 10: Date and Time
Problem 11 (Easy): Currency Formatter
Solution 11 : Currency Formatter