Discover The Secrets to A Super Easy Way to Start Podcasting and Broadcasting Live Audio at the Push Of A Button
What you will learn
You’ll Learn Getting Started on Blog Talk Radio
You’ll Learn Setting Up Your Account and Branding
You’ll Learn Creating Your Show Description and Creating Live Audio
You’ll Learn Creating Recorded Audio and Uploading Existing Audio
You’ll Learn Doing Interviews, Taking Callers and Doing Live Chats
You’ll Learn Repurposing Your Content, Analyzing Statistics and much more…
Dear Fellow Marketer,
You’ve come to this page because you’ve been hearing about how regular people have gained rock star status just by starting their own podcast. You see them and you think…”I’m just like them, I know I could do that”. You see people do them on every subject and niche that you could possibly imagine: scuba diving stay at home moms baby boomers and you’re wondering, how you could get started so you can get in on the action…
There IS Definitely a Technical Part of Podcasting That Nobody Really Tells You…
You’re thinking that you’re confident enough to talk or interview people in public. And so, now you’re ready to get started. But how do you record your discussion, your interview or your report? Then, it’s a podcast…so, do you put it on your website? How do you make it available for other people to hear? Oh, and yes, It’s a podcast…so it goes on ITunes. Sure, but how do you get it on ITunes? You’ve probably Googled or gone to YouTube looking for blog posts and articles on “how to get started podcasting” or “easiest ways to get started podcasting”. And about half way into the article, you realize that it’s not so easy at all to get started with a podcast. And then you’ve probably heard some of the people who are doing it…sharing their message. Surely, they can’t all be super technical, right? In fact, many of them aren’t and have learned a “back door” to being able to podcast effectively, consistently…with the ease of turning on their computer. Yes, they know something that other people who want to share their message don’t know. And you can know it too…
Blog Talk Radio Is An Easy and Affordable Platform to Get Started
Blog Talk Radio is a platform that will allow you to get started Podcasting with little to no investment, fancy equipment or technical know how. It can work for anybody that has a computer, a microphone and way to talk. Think of what it would be like if you could get started with your own podcast in less than one hour and get your message out for the entire world to start listening. Learn a few simple processes and you can start immediately, whether you want to “go live” or record your message.