• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Learn to speak Spanish in real conversations and create your own sentences in Spanish with only 10-15 minutes a day.

What you will learn

You will learn the basis of Spanish in an easy and fun way with dialogues in context.

You will create and speak useful sentences of everyday situations.

You will have a good pronunciation due to listen a native speaker and the constant repetition.

You will memorize very fast reviewing the sentences learned in each lesson.

You will learn a lot of words that you can use in real conversation.

You will feel confident to speak in everyday life situations.



Now you can learn the basis of the Spanish language in this course. Moreover, you will learn sentences in context that you will use in real conversation. Learn dialogues that you can immediately use in everyday life situations like at the doctor, holidays, etc. If you are tired of spending your time and money in face to face courses to learn how to speak Spanish, this is your course. Now it is easy to learn Spanish with Spanish Dialogues!


Learn Spanish in a fast and easy way with Spanish Dialogues. The course has 14 dialogues of everyday life situations. Each lesson has been designated carefully to enable you to success in speaking Spanish. You will learn words to make sentences and at the end of each lesson you will be able to speak a dialogue. At the beginning of each lesson is a review of the previous lesson. It is very important to repeat all the words and review all the sentences until you memorise them. Also, you will find a document with extra exercises in each lesson.


You will learn Spanish by repetition, therefore, REPEAT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Repetition is very important to transfer new words learned from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. Once you transfer the new sentences in the long-term, it will be harder to forget them.

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The course has a duration of 3.5 hours approximately in which you will learn the basic of the Spanish language. Each lesson has a duration of approximately 10-15 minutes. After doing the course you will feel confident to speak Spanish in different situations. Travelling to Spain or Latin America will not be the same again. You will be able to interact with native speakers.


Muchas gracias





Lesson 1: Saying your routine

Lesson 1: Saying your routine

Lesson 2: Saying your routine

Lesson 2: Saying your routine

Lesson 3: Saying your routine – regular verbs

Lesson 3: Saying your routine – regular verbs

Lesson 4: Talking about a hobby – regular verbs

Lesson 4: Talking about a hobby – regular verbs

Lesson 5: Saying what you do in your free time

Lesson 5: Saying what you do in your free time

Lesson 6: Saying what you do in your free time

Lesson 6: Saying what you do in your free time

Lesson 7: At the doctor

Lesson 7: At the doctor

Lesson 8: At the doctor

Lesson 8: At the doctor

Lesson 9: Saying what the weather is like

Lesson 9: Saying what the weather is like

Lesson 10: Saying what the weather is like

Lesson 10: Saying what the weather is like

Lesson 11: How to organize a plan

Lesson 11: How to organize a plan

Lesson 12: How to organize a plan

Lesson 12: How to organize a plan

Lesson 13: Talking about your last holidays

Lesson 13: Talking about your last holidays

Lesson 14: Talking about your last holidays

Lesson 14: Talking about your last holidays