What you will learn
Perform SEO audit to your website and for your customers website
Perform keyword research in free and paid way to improve the content relevancy of your website
Backlink understanding
How does search engine work
This is an ultimate SEO course which I will share everything I know about SEO from my 18 years of experience.
It is not just about theory but my SEO practical experience so you can save your time avoiding some of the SEOย mistakes I had in the past.
You do not require any upfront knowledge to learn how to do SEO for your business. I have students who grow their SEOย traffic 6 times in 3 months time so it is about whether you actually apply those SEO strategy or not. The strategy itself works if you put the time and effort on it to make keyword research, backlink building and site optimization.
This course will cover SEO basic, Google algorithm, search intention (informational keyword, navigational keyword, transactional keyword), SEO site audit, keyword research (free and paid ways), backlink building understanding, UX (user experience), technical SEO, site optimization and content strategy for SEO.
This course will continue to add more chapters so you’ll be updated with the SEO trend.
Also, I will be supporting you guys as much as I could so feel free to message me any SEOย questions you may have. Remember, your success is my success.