• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:4 mins read

How to read simple Russian words.

What you will learn


How to read Russian texts


Course description

This course will teach you how to read simple Russian words.

There are 6 lessons in the course.

You need to know some basic English to be able to read English subtitles.

First, I will teach you Russian vowels, then sounds, then we will practice syllables and finally we will read short Russian words.

There are just 6 lessons in the course but they are quite informative. Please, pay close attention and practice a lot Lesson 3.

Try to watch the video and after a pause pronounce the same what you heard.

Don’t forget to pass tests after each lesson.

I also suggest you to use Interval Repetition Method: this is when you learn some new material and repeat it after 1-2 days, then after 1 week and then after 1 month.

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

That way you will make great progress. The more often you watch my lessons faster you will learn to read the language.

Here is a list of international words you can practice reading and recognizing after the course:

-аге́нт -ата́ка -бала́нс -банк -бокс -ви́за -гита́ра -да́та -диск -журна́л -зе́бра -интере́с -и́мпорт -клуб -ко́фе -ли́дер -масса́ж -но́мер -о́фис -план -при́нтер -рок -ра́дио -сала́т -старт -такси́ -телефо́н -факт -фильм -хо́бби -чек -шанс -шок -экза́мен -ю́мор -я́хта

-аге́нт -ата́ка -бала́нс -банк -бокс -ви́за -гита́ра -да́та -диск -журна́л -зе́бра -интере́с -и́мпорт -клуб -ко́фе -ли́дер -масса́ж -но́мер -о́фис -план -при́нтер -рок -ра́дио -сала́т -старт -такси́ -телефо́н -факт -фильм -хо́бби -чек -шанс -шок -экза́мен -ю́мор -я́хта




Learn Russian reading in 30 minutes.

Introduction and 10 Russian vowels.
Review of the Russian vowel letters.
2. Hard and soft consonant sounds.
Hard and soft consonant sounds review
3. Hard and soft syllables in Russian.
Spelling rules review
4. Russian ABC (letters and sounds).
Russian signs
5. Reading short words practice.
Try understanding a word by pronouncing it
6. Summary and thank you.