How to read simple Russian words.
What you will learn
How to read Russian texts
Course description
This course will teach you how to read simple Russian words.
There are 6 lessons in the course.
You need to know some basic English to be able to read English subtitles.
First, I will teach you Russian vowels, then sounds, then we will practice syllables and finally we will read short Russian words.
There are just 6 lessons in the course but they are quite informative. Please, pay close attention and practice a lot Lesson 3.
Try to watch the video and after a pause pronounce the same what you heard.
Don’t forget to pass tests after each lesson.
I also suggest you to use Interval Repetition Method: this is when you learn some new material and repeat it after 1-2 days, then after 1 week and then after 1 month.
That way you will make great progress. The more often you watch my lessons faster you will learn to read the language.
Here is a list of international words you can practice reading and recognizing after the course:
-аге́нт -ата́ка -бала́нс -банк -бокс -ви́за -гита́ра -да́та -диск -журна́л -зе́бра -интере́с -и́мпорт -клуб -ко́фе -ли́дер -масса́ж -но́мер -о́фис -план -при́нтер -рок -ра́дио -сала́т -старт -такси́ -телефо́н -факт -фильм -хо́бби -чек -шанс -шок -экза́мен -ю́мор -я́хта
-аге́нт -ата́ка -бала́нс -банк -бокс -ви́за -гита́ра -да́та -диск -журна́л -зе́бра -интере́с -и́мпорт -клуб -ко́фе -ли́дер -масса́ж -но́мер -о́фис -план -при́нтер -рок -ра́дио -сала́т -старт -такси́ -телефо́н -факт -фильм -хо́бби -чек -шанс -шок -экза́мен -ю́мор -я́хта
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