• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Python Programming Language with Full Practical, Exercises, Assignments, Problems and their Solutions.

What you will learn

You will learn Python within few days with practical examples, exercises, assignments, and problems with solutions.

You will learn Fundamental of Python as data types, Input / Output Operations, List, Tuples, Dictionary, SET, Decision Making, Loops, Functions etc

You will learn Python Programming with solving Real World Problems with their solution.

You will learn how to create a Python based website.



Python is general purpose programming language that id invented by Guido van Rossum. There are a lots of applications, system software that developed with Python programming language.

In this course, I will share with you Python knowledge with examples, exercises and assignments.

There are total seven days, in which you will complete Python programming knowledge with Full practical.

Instructor Experience and Education:

Faisal Zamir

Master in Computer Science

5+ Year Experience in School, Colleges, University etc

Why you Enroll to this Course?

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This is very simple question but very important, because you should know that why you need to make enrollment to this course? There are many things with our course that make unique to other. You need to take this course because there are different python concepts, methods, data structures, looping decision making etc. are discussed with easiest way. There are a lots of PPT slides containing python theoretical knowledge as well as programming examples.

Our Uniqueness (We Focus Always):

You should know that we always focus on something,

  • Quality
  • Clear Topics
  • Examples
  • Assignments
  • Exercises

Outlines for this Python Course:

  • Basics of Python
  • Variables and Data Type
  • Data Structures (List, Tuple, Dictionary, SET)
  • Decisions Making
  • Functions
  • Loops
  • Problems (Exercises) and Their Solution
  • Assignments
  • Python Based Quiz

Advantage of this course

When you Enroll to this course you will get following advantages:

  • Surely, you will get Video Lectures
  • We will Provide Assignments for your Practice
  • We will Provide Problems and their solution
  • We will Provide PPT Notes and other Notes when require
  • We will Provide all Source Code as we write in Course
  • Proper Management in Study Materials

Thank you!

Faisal Zamir



Day 01

Python Introduction with Explanation
Hello World Program in Python
Input and Output function in Python Fundamental Concepts
Program and Statement in Python Fundamental Concepts
Comments in Python Fundamental Concepts
Termination in Python Fundamental Concepts
Indentations in Python Fundamental Concepts

Day 02

Declaration and Initialization of Variable in Python
Rules to Declare a Variable in Python
Data Types in Python
Mutable Immutable Sequence and Non Sequence Data Type in Python
Python Different Categories of Data Types
Python Text Based Data Type
Python Number Data Type with Examples
Python All Sequence Data Type with Examples