Python Basics Crash Course

What you will learn

Environment Setup For Learning & Practicing Python.

Basics Of Python language In Simple Language.

Use Of Jupyter Notebook.

Writing Programs In Python.

Learn All Python Basics Such As Variables, Functions, Conditionals Statements, Loops, Object Oriented Programming & more.

Why take this course?

As we all know Python is one of the most popular programming language In 2023. Every IT company hiring employees as a Python Developer or roles that requires extensive knowledge of Python for e.g. Data Engineers.

Lots of popular technologies like Machine Learning, Data Science, Web development, etc. are based on Python. So, to become an expert in those fields you should begin with python programming.

Top 5 reasons to learn Python in 2023:

  1. Python is a beginner friendly programming language
  2. Large Libraries for Data Science and ML Tasks
  3. Adoption by Top Companies
  4. Used in web development
  5. Good career opportunities

If you are a total beginner and not having any experience in python programming, not to worry! In this course, I have explained from the beginning to the advance. You just have to practice the topics on your own multiple times to becomes master in it, The topics that we are going to cover are:

● Environment Setup

● Data Types in python

● Dictionaries

● List and tuples

● Python Statements

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● Python Functions

● Args and Kwargs

● Classes

● Attributes

● Methods in Python

● Inheritance

● Polymorphism

…..and more!

If you want to learn Python basics thoroughly, then you should enroll in 1Hr+ “Learn Python From Scratch: ZERO to HERO in Python” course today itself.
