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  • Reading time:30 mins read

Python course for beginners, start from basics and then plenty of practice programs

What you will learn

Introduction to Python, Arithmetic Operations, Concatenation, Boolean Condition,

Comparison Operators, Logical Operators

String, String methods

Lists, List of numbers, List of strings, List methods, two-dimensional list

Tuple, positive indexing and negative indexing of tuples, slicing of tuples

Indexing, indexing of number, indexing of string, positive indexing and negative indexing

Function, assigning input function, data type conversion

if statement, if-else statement, if-elif-else statement, nested statement

for loop, while loop, nested loop


Learn Python from scratch, the course includes video explanation with introductions(basics) and plenty of solved programs. Some daily life applications have been solved by using the Python language. Downloadable files of Python codes have been attached to all the lectures. The lectures are appealing, fancy and fast. They take less time to walk you through the whole content. Each and every topic has been taught extensively in depth to cover all the possible areas starting from a simple program to a complex one to understand the concept in most possible easy way. It’s highly recommended for the students who don’t know the fundamental of Python language studying at college and university level.

The objective of this course is to explain the Python programming language in a very simple way that is easy to understand. I strive for simplicity and accuracy with every definition, code I publish. All the codes have been conducted through colab which is an online editor. Python remains a popular choice among numerous companies and organization. Python has a reputation as a beginner-friendly language, replacing Java as the most widely used introductory language because it handles much of the complexity for the user, allowing beginners to focus on fully grasping programming concepts rather than minute details.

Below is the list of topics that have been covered:

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  1. Introduction to Python

  2. Arithmetic Operations

  3. Boolean Conditions

  4. Concatenation

  5. Comparison Operators

  6. Logical Operators

  7. Strings

  8. List

  9. 2-D List

  10. Tuples

  11. Indexing

  12. Functions

  13. if statement

  14. if-else statement

  15. if-elif-else statement

  16. Nested statement

  17. for loops

  18. while loops

  19. Nested loops





Simple Statement execution in Python

Execution of a simple word
Execution of a sentence
Print of a special symbolic pattern
Execution of a program is a step-wise process. Learn how it happens?
Some important notes before to write any program in Python
Coding: Colab file and python file


What is identifier?
Identifier of a number
Identifier of a string
Multiple identifiers in a single program
Accurate way to write a variable/identifier/place holder. Learn how it effects?
Identifier is case sensitive. Check how it works?
Swapping of the equations
Step-wise execution of multiple identifiers with the same name
Coding: Colab file and python file

Arithmetic Operations – Types of Arithmetic operators

What is arithmetic operations? List of arithmetic operators
Arithmetic Operator
Subtraction Operator
Multiplication Operator
Division Operator
Modulus Operator
Exponential Operator
Augmented Operator
Coding: Colab file and python file

Arithmetic Operations – Arithmetic Precedence

Precedence of the operational operators. Check their levels
Precedence of Addition and Multiplication operators
Precedence of Addition, Multiplication and Exponential operators
Precedence of Addition and Subtraction operators
Precedence of Addition, Multiplication & Exponential operators with parenthesis
Coding: Colab file and python file

Arithmetic Operations – Arithmetic Functions

Approximate math functions.Learn about round, ceil and floor functions in Python
Absolute math functions. How to use positive and negative math functions?
Conversion of data. Convert integer into float and float into integer
Coding: Colab file and python file


What is concatenation?
Concatenation of numbers
Concatenation of strings
Coding: Colab file and python file

Input Function – Introduction

What we mean by the input function in Python?
Find the output of a program by assigning a simple input function
How to put a gap between the two expressions?
How to identify the class of an expression?
Assign an input function to a simple expression by passing a number in output
Coding: Colab file and python file

Input Function – Data type conversion

What is data type conversion?
Using of int function along with input function to convert float into integer
Using of float function along with input function to convert float into integer
Subtraction of a string from number by applying the data conversion
Coding: Colab file and python file

Input Function – Applications of input functions in daily life

Write a program in Python to ask a person’s name, language with a final message
Write a program in Python to know the time period by using data type conversion
Write a program to ask the user’s height in meters. Convert height into feet
Coding: Colab file and python file

String – Introduction

What is string?
String enclosed in double quotes
String enclosed in single quotes
String of a single word
Check why the single quotes don’t work?
Check why the double quotes must be used?
What are the stages where single quotes don’t work?
What are the stages where double quotes work?
Triple quotes for multiple lines of strings
Coding: Colab file and python file

String – Formatted Strings

Introduction to formatted string
Concatenate first name & last name with a space by using formatted string
Concatenate city with the country by using the formatted string technique
Concatenate two strings by formatted string technique by calling the identifier
How to format the two statements having multiple lines?
Coding: Colab file and python file

String – String Methods

Upper method: Upper case method, how it doesn’t effect the original string?
Lower method: Lower case method, how it doesn’t effect the original string?
Replace method: It’s case sensitive, how to replace a word or a character?
Find method: Find the character and word of a string by returning index number
‘in’ method: Existence of a character or word in a string returning Boolean form
Coding: Colab file and python file

Indexing & Slicing – Introduction

What is indexing and slicing?
Find the positive index of a number
Find the negative index of a number
Find the index of a number out of the sub list of a list
Find the positive index of a character in a string
Find the negative index of a character in a string
Find the index of a string
Coding: Colab file and python file

Indexing & Slicing – Colons technique

Slice a word out of a string by using the colons technique
Slice a character or sequence of characters out of a string using colons method
Slicing of a string with a single given value either on left or right of colons
Slicing of a complete string without any given value of either side of colons
How slicing takes place with colons having both positive and negative values
Slicing of a complete string along with a copy of that string
Coding: Colab file and python file

List – Making of lists in Python

What is a list?
Typical form of a list of numbers
Typical form of a list of strings
How to make a simple list of numbers?
How to make a simple list of strings?
How to make a list of list having both numbers and strings?
Split the characters of a string using the list function
Addition of two lists of numbers
Addition of lists of strings
Multiplication of a list of numbers by a number
Multiplication of a list of strings by a number
Check the existence of a number in a list by using the belongs to operator
Check the existence of a character in a list by using the belongs to operator
Comparing of two list by using the less than operator
Comparing of two list by using the greater than operator
Identify the minimum value of a list by using the min function
Identify the maximum value of a list by using the max function
Sum of all the values of a list by using the sum function
Iteration over all the items of a list
Coding: Colab file and python file

List – Indexing and Slicing of a list

Positive indexing of a list of numbers
Positive indexing of a list of strings
Negative indexing of a list of numbers
Negative indexing of a list of strings
Slicing of a list with 0 on left of the colons
Slicing of a list with 0 on right of the colons
Slicing of a list of numbers with 0 on both sides of the colons
Slicing of a list of strings with 0 on left side of the colons
Slicing of a list of strings with 0 on right side of the colons
Slicing of a list of strings with 0 on both sides of the colons
Slicing of a complete list without a value on either side of colons
Slicing of a list of numbers with a specific value on left side of colons
How to slice the last number out of the list?
Slicing of a list with a single value on right side of the colons
Slicing of a list of strings with a single value on left side of the colons
Slicing of a list of strings with a single value on right side of the colons
Slicing of a list of numbers with values on both sides of the colons
How a colon technique returns an empty list?
Slicing of a list of strings with the values on both sides of the colons
Slicing of a list of list and also the item of the sub list
Coding: Colab file and python file

List – Methods of lists

What are the different methods of lists?
Append method: What is Append method?
Append method: Append a number to a list
Append method: Append a character to a list
Append method: How to append list to itself?
Append method: Append a list to a list
Append method: Append a string to the list of strings
Insert method: What is insert method?
Insert method: How to insert an item to a list by using insert method?
Reverse method: What is Reverse method?
Reverse method: Reverse the numbers of a list
Reverse method: Reverse the strings of a list
Sort method: What is sort method?
Sort method: Sort the numbers of a list in ascending order using sort function
Sort method:Sort the characters of a list in ascending order using sort function
Pop method: What is Pop method?
Pop method: Pop out the last item of the list
Remove method: What is Remove method?
Remove method: Remove a specific number of a list
Remove method: Remove a specific string of a list
Clear method: What is Clear method? And clear the list of numbers
Clear method: Clear the list of strings
‘in’ method: What is ‘in’ method? Check the existence of a number in a list
‘in’ method: Check the existence of a string in a list
Count method: What is count method?
Count method: How to count the similar numbers of a list?
Copy method: What is Copy method?
Copy method: Append a number to the copy of a list
Copy method: Append a string to the copy of a list
Fusion of methods: Apply multiple methods in a single program
Index method: What is index method and find the index value of a specific number
Index method: Find the index value of a specific string
Coding: Colab file and python file

2-D List

What is a 2-D list?
Typical shape of a simple 2-D list
Find the index of a 2-D list
Find the index of an individual item of the sub list in a 2-D list
Mutability of a 2-D list
Coding: Colab file and python file


Introduction to Tuple
Apply the positive indexing on a number in a simple tuple
What will be the output if the index is out of range?
Apply the positive indexing on a string in a simple tuple
Apply the negative indexing on a number in a tuple
Apply the negative indexing on a string in a tuple
Slicing of a tuple with positive indexing
Slicing of a tuple with both positive and negative indexing
Slicing of a tuple with only a positive index value on one side of colons
Slicing of a complete tuple without any index value on either side of colons
Slicing of a complete tuple with an index value on one side of colons
Slicing of a complete tuple of strings
Slicing of a tuple without any index value on either side of colons
Slicing of a tuple of strings with index values on both sides of colons
Coding: Colab file and python file

if statement – One-way decision

Introduction to if statement
if statement with equal to operator
if statement along with a pass statement
if statement with not equal to operator
if statement with greater than operator
if statement with less than operator
Problem 1: Use the if statement to find the output if the weather is hot
Problem 2: If covid is +ve why it gives syntax error?
Problem 3: Use if statement to find the output if covid is positive
Problem 4: if statement with multiple print functions
Coding: Colab file and python file

if-else statement – Two-way decision

Introduction to an if-else statement
if-else statement to check that a value is equal to or greater than the other
if-else statement to check that whether a value is even or odd
if-else statement to find the output of a program with multiple identifiers
Problem: Find the output of a problem if covid positive is False using if-else
Coding: Colab file and python file

if-elif-else statement – Multi-way decision

What is if-elif-else statement?
if-elif-else statement with equal to and greater than operators
if-elif-else statement with equal to, greater than and less than operators
Problem 1: Find the output if covid positive = False and Covid negative = True
Problem 2: If covid positive=True, covid negative=False and malaria=False
Problem 3: If covid positive=False, covid negative=False and malaria=False
Coding: Colab file and python file

Daily life applications of if, if-else and if-elif-else conditional statements

Problem 1: Design a program in Python to identify the disease
Problem 2: Design a program for a buyer to buy a car based on his/her credits
Problem 3: Write a program to identify the eligibility of admission in a course
Coding: Colab file and python file

Nested statement

Introduction to a nested conditional statement
Execute a program with a single nested conditional statement
Execute a program with a double nested statement
Execute a program with multiple nested statements
Coding: Colab file and python file

Comparison Operators – Types of comparison operators

What is comparison operator?
Equal to operator (==)
Greater than operator (>) and Less than operator (<)
Multiple comparison operators in a single program
Coding: Colab file and python file

Comparison Operators – Applications in daily life

Write a program in Python to compare the temperatures
Write a program to count the number of characters in a paragraph
Coding: Colab file and python file

Logical Operator

What are logical operators?
‘and’ operator: Apply ‘and’ operator with a simple if statement
‘and’ operator: Apply ‘and’ operator with an if-else statement
‘and’ operator: Apply ‘and’ operator with an if-elif-else statement
‘or’ operator: Apply ‘or’ operator with an if statement
‘or’ operator: Apply ‘or’ operator with an if-else statement
‘or’ operator: Apply ‘or’ operator with an if-elif-else statement
‘not’ operator: Apply ‘not’ operator with an if statement
‘not’ operator: Apply ‘not’ operator with an if-else statement
‘not’ operator: Apply ‘not’ operator with an if-elif-else statement
Apply multiple logical operators in a single program
Coding: Colab file and python file

for loops – for loops for numbers

What is for loop?
Apply the for loop on a simple list of numbers
for loop on a list to get the symbolic output
Apply the for loop to specify the range of numbers
for loop during the addition of numbers
Apply the for loop to find the indices of numbers in a list
Apply the for loop to find the largest value of the list
Apply the for loop to find the smallest value of the list
Counter for loop to count the number of items in a list
Counter for loop with a different variable to count the number of items in list

for loop – for loop for string

Apply the for loop for a simple string
Apply for loop to iterate over the strings of a list
Use the for loop to send the same message to multiple people at one time

while loop – Forward while loop

What is while loop?
while loop to execute the program and get the output in ascending order
Execute the program with the starting and ending messages using while loop
Use the while loop to execute a program with the output in asterisk form
while loop to execute the number and get the output in string form

while loop – Backward while loop

Apply the while to execute the program and returns the output in backward form
while loop to execute the program using another counter formula
while loop to get the output in backward form with starting and ending messages
while loop to get the output of asterisks in backward form

while loop – Infinite, Termination and pass statement

Apply the infinite while loop which returns output looping forever
Apply the termination test to terminate the loop using while loop
Plug in Pass statement with while loop to avoid the program from crashing

Break & Continue Loops

Introduction to Break & Continue statements
Plug in a break statement to break the while loop on specific point
Pass a break statement to break the while loop of a program with input function
Apply the break statement to break the inside loop
Break statement to break the for loop of strings inside the tuple
Continue statement to stop the current iteration of loop and start it with next
Apply the continue statement with for loop for a tuple of strings
Apply both break and continue statements in a single program

Nested Loop

What is nested loop?
How to apply the nested loop for numbers?
Nested loop for the lists of numbers with initial conditions
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