• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Prof. Rafael Ubal brings his methods and tools from his 10+ years of experience teaching in prestigious universities.

What you will learn

Write simple Python programs that read from the keyboard and write text into a console

Write more complex programs with conditional execution and repetition structures

Improve code reusability through the use of functions and recursion

Improve code efficiency through the choice of ppropriate data structures (tuples, lists, dictionaries)

Apply the principles of object-oriented programming


This course serves as an introduction to Python programming (no previous background needed). Whether you’re a high school student ahead of the game, a college student in search of additional support, a recent graduate preparing for a technical interview, an active professional seeking to expand your skill set, or just an amateur techie, this course is your ideal first exposure to the world of Python programming.

In this course, I’ve selected the most relevant topics to quickly get you started with Python. We’ll start with the basics: interaction with the user, arithmetic computations, conditional execution, loops, and functions. And we’ll also delve into more advanced topics: lists, tuples, dictionaries, file operations, and object-oriented programming. But most importantly: I’ll help you develop a programmer mindset by training your algorithmic thinking – an essential still that will help you quickly learn new programming languages in the future if you need to.

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In most lessons of this course, I’ll be proposing interactive programming exercises, where I’ll ask you to pause the video and work on it, as I later guide through a step-by-step solution. You’ll work with a web-based code editor, where you’ll be able to write and test your programs, without installing any third-party software in your system; all you need is your web browser.




Writing into the console
Variables and expressions
Reading from the keyboard
Arithmetic, logical, and relational operators
Python modules

Control flow

Conditional execution (i)
Conditional execution (ii)
The ‘while’ loop (i)
The ‘while’ loop (ii)
The ‘for’ loop


Custom functions
Fruitful functions
Advanced function arguments
Recursion (i)
Recursion (ii)


Container data types
Working with lists
List operators and functions
Representation of lists
Practice problems for lists (i)
Practice problems for lists (ii)


Working with tuples
Problem: Statistics of a data set
Problem: Sorting a list of tuples


Working with dictionaries
Problem: Managing a dictionary
Operators and functions


Working with strings
String formatting
Operators and functions


Writing into files
Reading from files
Managing the file system

Object-oriented programming

Classes and objects
Special methods