• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Shortest way of learning algebra, calculus, statistics, trigonometry, and linear algebra through coding in Python

What you will learn

Pre Algebra


Linear Algebra

Abstract Algebra

Integral Calculus


Pure Mathematics

Differential Calculus



Regression and Data visualization

Correlation Coefficient

Latex in Python

Complex Numbers System

Applied Mathematics in Python


Matplotlib, Numpy, and Sympy

Coordinate Geometry

Applied Mathematics

Functional Mathematics


Learn Mathematics in Python:

In this course, you will learn mathematics through coding in Python. We will start from basics mathematical coding in python and end by using the teaching techniques “Maxims of the teaching”(simple to abstract). In the beginning, we will do simple math algorithms and formulas in Python. We will also use the screen board before coding in python to illustrate the concepts and understanding of definitions and examples. After an hour by dipping in the course, you will jump toward the next level of learning. Then we will switch our techniques from basics math to algebra. Algebra coding is super interesting in Python. We will define the algebra topics by examples and code them in Python. Graphing of different algebraic equations is one of the extra interesting parts of this section.

Our next will be linear algebra, We will master matrices, determinants, Gauss method, linear combination, basis, and vectors, norms, linear dependence, and independence.

In statistics, you will learn to mean, mode, median, standard deviation, regression, and correlation analysis for both group and ungrouped data by coding in Python. We will also learn about probability along with statistics.

Calculus: is an advanced topic and here we will master limits and continuity, differentiation, integration, plane curve problems, and coordinate geometry by coding in Python.

Sketching: We have learned to sketch mathematical functions at high school but do you know how this is super interesting in Python by using Python libraries like Matplotlib and Numpy.

Trigonometry: We shall learn the trigonometric identities, angles in radian, and degreeΒ  through coding in Python

Regression and Correlation Analysis: Here we shall learn the coding of regressional and correlational data in Python. We will plot the scattering curves as well to show the data visualization in Python.

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Complex Numbers System: A comprehensive discussion has been made about complex number systems. How to add, subtract, multiply, and how to find the argument of complex numbers through coding in Python.

Latex in Python: This section includes the abstract equation in Python. Latex is another library of Python. How to write mathematics in Python. We shall do a comprehensive discussion in this section.

Course Objective:

1. We want o give the next level of understanding of mathematics from casual calculation to the use of Python.

2. Learning new techniques of learning mathematics.

3. Explanation of simple and easy concepts by the use of Python

4. Making learning possible for every student to learn mathematics.

5. New exploration for all levels of learners.




Course Introduction
Basic Math
Basic Math in Python


Solution of quadratic equation
Solution of quadratic equation in Python

Variables in Python

Variables in Python

Trigonometry in Python

Trigonometry in Python

Pre Algebra and Algebra in Python

Coordinate Axis in Python
Labelling 2
Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Equations in Python


Drawing a graph in Matplotlib

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions in Python

Linear Functions, Polynomials and Complex Number System

Linear Functions, Polynomials and Complex Number System in Python

Vectors and Data Visualization Operation

Vectors and Data Visualization Operation in Python

Linear Algebra

Linear Combination and Inner Product Space in Python
Vectors and Scalars in Python
Example Codes in Python

Statistics in Python

Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation in Python

Calculus in Python

Calculus in Python