• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Learn Italian from a native speaker - course 2
Learn common Italian phrases about shopping, romance, clothing, weather, direction, places…

What you will learn

Romance expressions

Shopping expressions

Clothing expressions

Weather expressions

Direction expressions

Places expressions


In this course the teacher covers the following topics:

1) Romance

2) Shopping

3) Clothing

4) Weather

5) Direction

6) Places

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Alla fine del corso potrai trovare le slide in PDF per consultare tutte le frasi e tutti i termini quando lo desideri.

Italian ranks as the fourth most studied language in US colleges and high schools, where the enrolment rate for Italian classes is growing 20% faster than for any other language.

If you like arts, music, design, architecture, opera, food, etc. Italian is the reference language. Knowing Italian is greatly beneficial in several career fields. Italy is a world leader in the culinary arts, interior design, fashion, graphic design, furniture design, machine tool manufacturing, robotics, electromechanical machinery, shipbuilding, space engineering, construction machinery, and transportation equipment

The Italian language is the closest to Latin, the common ancestor of all romance languages.

Italian developed from Latin and an estimated 60 percent of the English vocabulary also comes from Latin. Knowing Italian may help improve your scores in English.

A recent study by KPMG has shown that β€œMade in Italy” is the third most recognized brand in the world after Coca Cola and Visa.

Italian brands such as Benetton, Barilla, Ferrari, Lavazza, Armani, and many more are renowned throughout the world for the exceptional quality of their products.



Course 2

Important message
Shoppinh – phrases pt. 2
The weather

