• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:9 mins read

What you will learn


How to get started with ESP32 CAM Module.


you will understand about OV2640 camera and its settings.


you will learn to make live video streaming with local IP.


you will learn to make live video streaming with Blynk application platform.


you will learn how to make Face and Eye recognition based projects.


Definitely you will get idea about SD card feature and how to use for projects.


you will learn to take picture with ESP32 CAM module and how to store in SD card.


how to send emails using SMTP server and ESP32 camera module with image attachments.


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About this course :

welcome to this amazing project oriented course. this course is all about ESP32 CAM module. through this course you can make your own projects using this module. What ever needed to make projects is explained in this course.

First of all this course is fully practical oriented. This course covers all the basics of ESP32 CAM module and Arduino software which is used to program the ESP32 CAM module. also i explained about the FTDI module.

Why this ESP32 CAM ?

you may seen all the IOT courses. those are made with ESP8266 and ESP32. using these device we can only do some advanced things. also it is concerned in this course, because without these devices we cant learn basics. but, these device do not have camera and SD card features. this is advantage of this module over ESP8266 and ESP32.

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📌 We are thrilled to unveil this latest course Learn Internet of Things(IOT) in Fun and Practical way which is designed to unlock your full potential and propel you towards success. 🚀

📌 Whether you are an aspiring professional seeking to upskill or an enthusiast eager to explore a new passion, this course Learn Internet of Things(IOT) in Fun and Practical way is tailor-made to cater to your unique learning journey.

📌 Enroll this course Learn Internet of Things(IOT) in Fun and Practical way to embark on an exciting educational adventure that will redefine your capabilities and broaden your horizons. Get ready to dive into a world of knowledge, innovation, and growth!

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What we can do with ESP32 CAM ?

Using this camera feature, we can create projects like spycam, security system, door lock system based on face recognition, and etc. we can do projects wherever need face recognition for example: face recognition based attendance system. also we can recognise eye, text, objects and so on. And using SD card feature, we can save taken images and videos. we do not need to bother about storage.

Devices and software’s i used in this course :

  • ESP32 CAM MODULE and FTDI programmer module

  • For programming i used Arduino software, thats it.

what will you learn by section by section :

  • On first section, I explained about the hardware(ESP32 CAM), software, and programming connection with FTDI programmer. Also i explained how to program with Arduino uno board.

  • In second section, I taught how to make your own live video streaming with local IP address and ESP32 CAM.

  • In third section, you will learn about the Blynk IOT platform and how to make live video streaming with blynk IOT platform.

  • In Fourth section, I will teach you all about the SD card feature and how to use it with your projects. And i explained how to store image taken by ESP32 CAM module in SD card.

  • In Fifth section, this is an exciting section. in this i taught about the face and eye recognition using python. And i explained this through the Face and Eye recognition project.

  • In sixth section, i taught about the SMTP server. And how to use it with ESP32 CAM. here, I explained with the project named as how to send email notification with image attachments( Image taken with ESP32 CAM ).

  • In seventh and eighth sections you will learn to make telegram alert with image and take photo with Blynk IOT.

  • Ninth section consist all the codes and details.

After this course what you can do :

After this course completion you can make your projects ( like i mentioned before in this description ) for your home security system. Also you would be learnt about Blynk and some IOT platforms. like other IOT courses, you will be learn basic IOT developer things.

See some of the industries started to use ESP32 boards. so as a techy learning about these boards is essential. that is the esssence of this course. Thank you.





Getting started with ESP32 CAM

Course preview
Hardware(ESP32 CAM) explained
Explanation of Arduino software
Setup for ESP32 CAM in Arduino
Connection with FTDI
Connection with Arduino uno

Project 1 – live video streaming in local IP address using ESP32 CAM

Introduction to the section
Live stream coding and explanations
Live video streaming Demo on ESP32 CAM

Project 2 – Live video streaming on Blynk app

Introduction to the section
ESP32 CAM – Code explained
Blynk app setup for video streaming
Blynk video streaming – Demo
Blynk video streaming – Demo 2

Project 3 – Taking photo using ESP32 CAM and store it in SD card

Introduction to the section
Lab 3 – Taking photo using ESP32 CAM and store it in SD card – Code
Lab 3 – Demo

Project 4 – Face and Eye recognition using ESP32 CAM module

Section introduction
Face and eye recognition project explained
Face and Eye recognition – code
Installing Python software
Installing required python libraries in command prompt(cmd)
Face and Eye recognition project – Demo

Project 5 – Send taken images via email using ESP32 CAM Module

Section introduction
Explanation about Mailclient library and installation
Project code – Explanation
Sending taken images via email using SMTP and ESP32 CAM Module – Demo

Project 6 – Taking photo with Blynk IOT platform

Section introduction
Blynk application setup
Code explanations for project 6
Demo – Taking photo with Blynk IOT platform

Project 7 – Sending captured images to Telegram

Section introduction
Telegram app setup for the project.
Installing required Telegram libraries.
Project code – explained.
Serial monitor result
Demo – Sending captured images to Telegram.




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