Learn czech basics.

What you will learn

Top most useful phrases you can use in everyday situations

Proper Czech pronunciation

Expand your vocabulary.

and more…

Clock, numbers, days and months, pronouns, basic of declension.


Czech step by step with David. / Česky krok za krokem s Davidem

Level: A0 – A1

Category: General

Do you want to speak with more confident? Do you want to learn basics, useful phrases, grammar and expand your vocabulary?

If your answer is yes, my course is right for you.

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This course teaches you the basics of the Czech language.

  • It is meant for persons with little or no knowledge of Czech. This course is video based and taught by David, a native and experienced Czech tutor.
  • Each lesson is taught in the czech language, with english subtitles and with the visual support.
  • The students can learn Czech at their own place, wherever and whenever they want, No prior knowledge needed. Simply follow the video lessons, repeat and practice.
  • Also, if you need help along the way, just ask in the Q&A. I’m here with you on your Czech learning journey!

Some of the things you will learn in this course include:

essential czech grammar, numbers, alphabeth, pronouns, basic phrases and more

If you are serious about getting really good at Czech, your next step is simple: Sign up for this course!

Ready? Let’s start the first lesson.

Keywords: Czech, learning, Czech courses, Czech for beginners, Czech with David, Czech grammar, declension, numerals, hours, pronouns




Basic phrases
Days and months
Final exercise