• Post category:StudyBullet-10
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Learn Kubernetes in simple, easy and fun way with hands-on coding exercises. For beginners in DevOps.

What you will learn

Develop Kubernetes Configuration Files in YAML

Deploy Applications on Kubernetes

Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on local systems

Gain basic understanding of Kubernetes Fundamentals

Deploy Kubernetes on Cloud – Google Cloud Platform

Setup ReplicaSets, Services and Deployments on Kubernetes


Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Kubernetes is at the cutting-edge of application deployment. The best way to kick-start your DevOps career is by learning how to effectively deploy Kubernetes.

This course is for absolute Kubernetes beginners. With zero knowledge about Kubernetes, once you take this course and complete all of the hands-on coding exercises, you will be ready to deploy your own applications on a Kubernetes platform.

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You will start your journey as a beginner and go through 10 simple, step-by-step lectures. Each lecture and demo is designed to give you the time to fully grasp all of the concepts. The most important part of the course is the series of hands-on coding exercises that accompany each major concept.

You will be developing your own services using Kubernetes configuration files for different use cases right in your browser. The coding exercises will validate your commands to make sure you have written them correctly.

After you have completed the lectures and coding exercises you will have the opportunity to complete a series of assignments that put your new skills to the test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the Kubernetes skills you have learned.




1.1 What is Kubernetes
1.2 Importance of Kubernetes
1.3 Benefits of Kubernetes
1.4 Kubernetes Components
1.5 Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm


2.1 What is Minikube
2.2 Installing minikube on ubuntu
2.3 What is Kubectl
2.4 Installing Kubctl on ubuntu
2.5. kubectl commands


3.1 Containers and pods
3.2 Manifest for a pod
3.3 Static pods
3.4 Creating a static pod
3.5 Multi container pods
3.6 Sidecar containers
3.7 Creating a sidecar container
3.8 init containers
3.9 Creating init containers


4.1. What is a Deployment
4.2. Working with Deployments


5.1. What is a Replication Controller
5.2. Working with Replication Controller
5.3. Need for ReplicaSet
5.4. Working with ReplicaSet


6.1. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
6.2. HPA in action


7.1. Jobs
7.2. Creating Jobs
7.3 Cron Jobs
7.4. Creating Cron Jobs


8.1 What is Daemonset
8.2. Creating a Daemonset
8.3. What is Statefulset
8.4 Creating a Statefulset.


9.1 What are configmaps
9.2. Creating configmaps for storing raw data
9.3 What are secrets
9.4. Creating secrets for storing sensitive data


10.1. What are Persistent Volumes
10.2. What is a Persistent Volume Claim
10.3 What are storage classes
10.4. Working with Persistent volumes
10.5. Working with storage classes.mp4


11.1. ClusterIP
11.2. Creating a cluster IP service
11.3. Nodeport
11.4. Creating a Nodeport IP service
11.5. Load Balancer
11.6. Creating Loadbalancer service


12.1. Ingress and Ingress Class
12.2. Endpoint
12.3 Endpoint Slice
12.4. Creating an Ingress


13.1. Role and Role Bindings
13.3 Clusterrole and Cluster Role Binding
13.4. Working with Cluster Roles


14.1. Taints and Tolerations
14.2. Resource Limits and Requests


15.1 Conclusion and Thanks