• Post category:StudyBullet-2
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Christ Centred. Spirit Empowered. Mission Focused.

What you will learn

Understand the responsiblities of Ministry Personnel

Acknowledge the risks associated when working with Children and Youth

Know how to mitigate risk in a Christ-centred, compassionate, and respectful way

Know how to access support from Ministry Leaders


Abuse prevention education and training is required for all Ministry Personnel serving with Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults and must be completed prior to ministry placement.

Training by designated trainers is to include a review of the KidSafe Policy and procedures. All Ministry Leads are to affirm that they have read the KidSafe Policy, that they understand it and the procedures that pertain to their area of ministry. Ministry Personnel will be educated about their legal obligation to report suspected abuse and to recognize and identify the symptoms of abuse and molestation.

All Ministry Personnel, Pastors, Ministry Leads and Designated Screening Personnelare required to complete Orientation training prior to ministry placement and the Refresher training sessions at least once a year after that.

Attendance is to be taken at training courses and noted in the personnel file for each Ministry Personnel. All Ministry Personnel must sign a ministry agreement form confirming they understand and are willing to comply with the KidSafe policies and procedures.

Individuals wanting to work with Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults must be members of Cornerstone Alliance Church or have regularly attended the church (worship services and/or participated in a Ministry Team) for at least six months. Reference checks must be received from at least two individuals, including one fromtheir previous pastor when possible.

Ministry Personnel serving with Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults are members or adherents in good standing who support the vision, values and constitution of the church. They also support and are submissive to the leadership of the Pastors and Board of the church.

Individuals who have been convicted, or are under the suspicion of crimes against Children and/or Youth, or who have been convicted of violent crimes or other relevant crimes will not have any involvement in ministries or programs where Children or Youth participate.




KidSafe Training

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