• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Explore practical AI projects, including chatbots, sentiment analysis, image classification, advanced face recognition

What you will learn

Building chatbots using Keras. Sentiment analysis implementation with recurrent neural networks (RNN).

Image classification techniques using Keras. Advanced face recognition applications using computer vision and deep learning.

Practical project implementation on Google Colab. Text preprocessing techniques like Bow Model, Count Vectorizer, Stemming, and Lemmatization.

Model training, evaluation, and prediction. Pretrained model utilization and fine-tuning. Image preprocessing, augmentation, and visualization.

Face detection and recognition algorithms. Embedding generation and classification. Real-world implementation and testing of AI models.


Welcome to the comprehensive course on practical applications of deep learning with Keras! In this course, you will embark on an exciting journey through various projects aimed at developing practical skills in deep learning and neural networks using the Keras framework. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started with deep learning or an experienced practitioner seeking to enhance your skills, this course offers something for everyone.

Throughout this course, you will dive into hands-on projects covering a wide range of topics, including building chatbots, sentiment analysis using recurrent neural networks (RNNs), image classification, and advanced face recognition computer vision applications. Each project is carefully designed to provide you with practical experience and insights into real-world applications of deep learning.

By the end of this course, you will have gained valuable experience in implementing deep learning models, understanding their underlying principles, and applying them to solve complex tasks. Whether you’re interested in natural language processing, computer vision, or any other domain, the skills you acquire in this course will be invaluable in your journey as a deep learning practitioner.

Get ready to unlock the full potential of deep learning with Keras and take your skills to the next level!

Section 1: Building A Chatbot with keras

In this section, students will embark on a practical journey of constructing a chatbot using Keras. They will begin with an introduction to the project’s objectives, followed by an exploration of foundational concepts such as the Bag of Words (BoW) model, Count Vectorizer, and techniques for handling text data. Through a series of progressive lectures, students will delve into preprocessing steps, feature limitation strategies, and essential text processing elements like stop words and stemming.

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Section 2: Project On Keras: Sentimental Analysis Using RNN

In the second section, students will transition to another project focusing on sentiment analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) using Keras. They will be introduced to Google Colab for collaborative work and IMBD dataset for sentiment analysis. The section will cover topics such as padding sequences, basic and complex LSTM models, and training procedures, enabling students to gain practical experience in sentiment analysis.

Section 3: Project On Keras – Image Classification

Continuing the journey, students will move to image classification projects in this section. They will learn to set up Google Colab, download datasets, and employ pretrained models for image classification tasks. Topics covered will include intermediate layer visualization, model creation, image augmentation, and model evaluation techniques.

Section 4: Project On Keras – Creating An Advanced Face Recognition Computer Vision App

In the final section, students will engage in creating an advanced face recognition application using computer vision techniques with Keras. They will explore Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image processing, face detection using MTCNN, and building a classifier for face recognition. This section will culminate in a comprehensive understanding of implementing deep learning models for real-world applications.



Building A Chatbot with keras

Introduction to Project
Bow Model
Count Vectorizer
Text Data
Text Data Continue
Limit Number of Features
Stop Words
Stemming Continue
ML Model on Text Data
TF-TF-IDF Vectorizer
Spacy Word2Vec
Hindson Implementation
Hindson Implementation Continue
Neural Networks
Generative Chatbots Part 1
Generative Chatbots Part 2
Generative Chatbots Part 3
Generative Chatbots Part 4
Generative Chatbots Part 5
Attentive Chatbots Part 1
Attentive Chatbots Part 2
Attentive Chatbots Part 3
Advanced Chatbot
Advanced Chatbot – Evaluation

Project On Keras: Sentimental Analysis Using RNN

Introduction to Project
Google Collab
Downloading IMBD Dataset
Padding Sequences
Basic LSTM Model
Predicting on Basic LSTM
Complex LSTM Model with Training
Prediction with Complex LSTM

Project On Keras – Image Classification

Introduction to Project
Google Collab
Downloading the Dataset
Pretrained Model
Intermediate Layer Visualization
Model Creation and Image Augmentation
Compiling and Training Model
Loss Values
Test Images and Visualization
Retraining the Model

Project On Keras – Creating An Advanced Face Recognition Computer Vision App

Introduction to Course
CNN for Image Processing
Image Preprocessing
Saving and Loading the Models
Getting System Ready
Reading the Image Data
Detect Faces MTCNN
Draw Bounding Box
Draw Key points
Apply on Group of Images
Extract Faces from Image
Face Detection Summary
Face Recognition
Fashion Dataset
Load Faces
Load Dataset from Folders
Load Dataset from Folders Continue
Generate Face Embeddings
Face Embeddings
Building Classifier on Embeddings
Building Classifier on Embeddings Continue
Testing for Real Implementation
Use Kera’s DNN with Face net