Discover the lucrative yachting industry, chose what position suits you better and take the necessary steps to join.

What you will learn

Know what is the yachting industry about, what is the structure of the industry and its main actors.

Find out how can you set up a career and transfer your knowledge and experience into it.

Learn what are the benefits to work in the yachting industry and how you can leverage this potential.

Get your Keen Green Course certificate and show the world that you have already taken steps towards your new career.


Discover a lucrative industry that will open doors for you and offer fresh perspectives. You don’t need a master’s degree or any university pathway to aim for €100k/year within a few years in the industry. What’s essential is discipline and the determination to become the best version of yourself, both personally and professionally. Embark on this journey and ascend the social ladder on your own terms. Sign up today!

You could change career today, take this course, train yourself and join the yachting industry. Before investing more time and money, make sure you get all the information you need with The Keen Green Course.Β Either male or female, former waitress, chef, mechanics, painter, builder, driver, carpenter, you will always be able to transfer your skills into the yachting industry and raise your value on the market following our advices.

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

The number one mistake people who fail in this industry rely in the lack of intensive preparation.Β TV series nor social medias don’t show you what actually is yachting.Β Lucky people who made it don’t realise how much luck they had to succeed.Β We, Rich Yachtie will guide you over this course or more if you wish so. Through this course we are starting a long terms relationship.Β For the best of you, your wealth, your health and your family.



Step on the dock

Introduction Quiz
Quiz Lecture 2
Navigating the Deck – Roles in Yachting
Quiz Lecture 3
Ship Shape – Building a Maritime CV
Quiz Lecture 4

Get your first sail

Tying the Knot – Networking in the Yacht World
Quiz Lecture 5
Riding the Wave – Mastering Yacht Interviews
Quiz Lecture 6
Keeping Afloat – Financial Aspects of Yachting Jobs
Quiz Lecture 7
All Hands on Deck – Training and Certifications
Quiz Lecture 8

Get your sea legs

Overcoming Storms – Challenges in the Yachting Industry
Quiz Lecture 9
Setting a Course – Planning Long-term in Yachting
Quiz Lecture 10
Quiz Lecture 10
Docking Successfully – From Application to Onboard
Quiz Lecture 11
Quiz Lecture 11
Quiz Conclusion
Quiz Conclusion