• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Master Jenkins in few hours

What you will learn

Learn Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment | Delivery

Orchestrate with the most popular DevOps | DevSecOps tools nowadays

Setup DevOps CI/CD pipeline to build and deploy a real-time project

Complete understanding of DevOps flow


Jenkins is a powerful and flexible open-source automation tool with support from the community; It is used to automate almost anything. Go faster with an agile mindset and learn how to build strong automated processes like Pipelines, CI/CD workflow, and more!

In the DevOps World, Jenkins is one of the best tools to learn which will automate almost all stuff and also have almost all the required plugins for integration.

If you want to become an expert in the DevOps world, in the course you will learn in addition to Jenkins, crossing technologies that go hand in hand with this service, such as CI/CD, AWS, Deployment, Git, ANT, Gradle, Maven, DSL, Pipelines and many more!

Start automating everything, and become a DevOps Master!

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If you know various DevOps tools like git, Jenkins, and Maven, Docker and are not sure how collaboratively does it work? Or would you like to set up a complete ci/cd pipeline using various DevOps tools? or are you someone who wishes to know what the logical workflow of a DevOps project is? Then this course is for you. Welcome to the Simple DevOps Project.

Are you interested in venturing into a new world full of agile technologies?

This is the right course for you!

I have over 12+ years of DevOps experience and a deep understanding of this domain. So, I will be teaching you in detail with the step-by-step demonstration.





Jenkins Architecture

Jenkins distributed architecture : Master Slave architecture

Jenkins Setup

Install jenkins as docker container using docker-compose.yml
Install Jenkins in your local machine/ Server using Tomcat server

Setup Jenkins Agent

Setup Jenkins Agent
Setup docker as jenkins agent

Jenkins Elastic Agent using AWS ECS service – Fargate

ECS Cluster Setup in aws using Fargate
Jenkins Setup on the AWS EC2, ECS pluggin, IAM role and initial config setup
Elastic Agent Cloud Configure, Run Simple Jenkins Job Using Elastic Agent

Create your first Jenkins Job : Freestyle

Freestyle Jenkins Job

Credentials Setup Jenkins

setup token as credential

Manage Pluggins

Install, Uninstall, Update and delete pluggins : Jenkins Configuration History

Integration with tools

Integration of git with jenkins
Integration with ANT and JDK
Integration with Maven

Building your project with Jenkins

Build Java with ANT based build tool using Jenkins
Integration of Junit with ANT and Displaying Results of Junit in Jenkins Job

Building your project with Jenkins

Maven as build tool with Jenkins

Building your project with Jenkins

Gradle Integration with Jenkins job

Environment Variables In Jenkins

Jenkins Variables

Storing Artifacts in Jenkins job

How to store artifacts in Jenkins ?

Jenkins Security

Signup Jenkins Users : using jenkins inbuilt db
Access Control : Using Matrix Based Security
Creating Respective Folders for the Project/Application team
User Management in Jenkins
Enable Role Based Authorization strategy
User|Role management using role based strategy
Active Directory Integration Steps with Jenkins for user management : basics

Introduction to IAC pipelines

Jenkins : Declarative pipeline
Jenkins : Scripted Pipeline

Jenkins : Sample Java Project using groovy Pipeline

Jenkins groovy Java project with maven and all stages

Deploy Java Application to Application Server(Apache Tomcat) using pipeline

Build and Deploy Java Application using Groovy Pipeline

Multi Branch Pipeline Job

Multi branch Pipeline Job : Jenkins

Parameterized Job Jenkins

Parameterized job in jenkins using freestyle project
Parameterized Job in jenkins : using scripted pipeline | groovy script

Upstream, Downstream Job Setup + setup variable as Environment Jenkins Variable

Upstream, Downstream Job + Env variable inject as jenkins project variable

Monitoring Jenkins with metrics pluggin

Monitoring Jenkins with metrics pluggin

Notifications in Jenkins

Email notifications using Jenkins job
Slack notifications using Jenkins job

Remote Jenkins Job Trigger

How to trigger jenkins jobs remotely

Migrate Jenkins Job

How to migrate jenkins jobs

Jenkins Backup

Jenkins Backup & Restore

Jenkins Quiz : Knowledge Check

Jenkins Quiz