• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The A to Z Course to Mastering JavaScript

What you will learn

You’ll receive guidance through practical and fun code examples, critical theories about how JavaScript works behind the scenes

You’ll learn how to plan application features, architect your code, debug code, and a lot of other real-world skills that you will need in your developer job

You’ll learn the very fundamentals of JavaScript to building modern and complex applications

You’ll learn all you need to know to become an experienced, self-assured, and up-to-date JavaScript developer


**Everything there is to know about JavaScript gift-wrapped in a single comprehensive course**

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world. It powers the entire modern web. It provides millions of high-paying jobs across the globe. That’s why you want to learn JavaScript too.

Whether you want a career in front-end or back-end development – you must have a solid understanding of this universal language!

And you came to the right place!

Why Choose This Course?

This course is a must-attend for four no-brainer reasons:

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β€’ Comprehensive JavaScript Course: It’s an all-in-one package that will take you from the very fundamentals of JavaScript to building modern and complex applications.

β€’ Modern JavaScript Made Easy: You’ll receive guidance through practical and fun code examples, critical theories about how JavaScript works behind the scenes, and beautiful and complete projects.

β€’ Think like a developer: You’ll learn how to plan application features, architect your code, debug code, and a lot of other real-world skills that you will need in your developer job.

β€’ From Beginner to Expert: Unlike other courses, this one contains beginner, intermediate, advanced, and even expert topics, so you don’t have to buy any other course to master JavaScript from the ground up!

It is a fundamentals course that’s great for both beginners and experts alike. If you’re on the lookout for a course that starts from the basics and works up to the advanced topics, this is the best course for you.

It only teaches what you need to get started with JavaScript with no fluff. While this helps to keep the course pretty concise, it’s about everything you need to get started with the topic.



Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction and History of JavaScript
Syntax of JavaScript and overview
JavaScript Implementation
How to use HTML tags in JavaScript


Var in JavaScript
Global and local var in JavaScript
Advanced console.log


If statement
If else statement
Condition ternary statement
Switch statement
If else if statement
Break and continue statement


Arithmetic operator
Assignment operator
Comparison operator

Popup Boxes

Alert boxes
Confirm box
Prompt box
Functions with parameters
Function with return


Events in JavaScript


While loop
Do while loop
For loop
Nested loop


Modify and delete arrays
Sort and revers methods
Pop and push methods
Shift and unshift method
Concat and join method
Slice and splice method
Indexof and lastindex method
The forEach method
The toString() valueOf() and fill() methods
Include methods
Some and every method
Find and findindex method
Filter method

Objects and their methods

Arrays objects
For in loop

String and its methods

String methods – Part 1
String methods – Part 2
String methods – Part 3

Number and its Methods

Number Methods
Math Method
Date method

DOM Model

Dom Model
Dom other objects
Dom get methods
Dom styling
addEventListener (Events)
classList method
Parent nodes
Children nodes
First and last child
Next and previous siblings
Create element text node
Append child and insert before
Insert adjacent element and insert adjacent HTML

