A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners interested in learning JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP
☑ Master Client-Side and Server-Side Interactivity using JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP
☑ Learn to create mobile responsive webpages using Bootstrap
☑ Learn to create client and server-side validated input forms
☑ Learn to interact with a MySQL Database using PHP
Welcome to the JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP – Certification Course for Beginners.
This course offers an excellent introduction into three of the most widely used programming languages available for both front-end and back-end development.
Students will start with adding client-side interactivity to web pages using JavaScript. JavaScript is a powerful language that can be used to add numerous functions to web pages, ranging from form validation to animated objects. By using the Document Object Model, students will manipulate individual html and css elements using JS.
The JavaScript section will include a number of key concepts including:
- JavaScript output
- Variable declarations
- Arithmetic operators
- Objects
- Strings
- Math functions
- Arrays
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Functions and events
- + Much More
In addition to JavaScript, students will also learn how to create responsive web page layouts using the popular – Bootstrap library. Bootstrap is widely known as the most popular CSS Framework for developing mobile-first websites. It is a completely open-source framework which contains both CSS and JavaScript based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components.
The Bootstrap section of the course will cover the following key concepts:
- Typography
- Tables
- Images
- Jumbotrons
- Wells
- Alerts
- Buttons
- Glyphicons
- Progress Bars
- Layouts
- Modals
- carousels
- Popovers
- Drop-Down Menus
- Forms
- + Much More
Lastly, students will explore adding dynamic server-side functionality to web pages using PHP. PHP is another widely adopted open-source programming language. With PHP, developers can integrated databases into their web development projects and really take their skills to new dimensions.
The PHP section of the course will cover the following key concepts:
- Variable Declaration
- Data Output
- Working with Objects
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Functions
- Arrays
- Form Validation
- + Much More
JavaScript Section
JavaScript – Introduction
JavaScript Placement
External JavaScript
JavaScript Output
JavaScript InnerHTML
JavaScript Commenting
JavaScript Constants
JavaScript Variables Introduction
JavaScript Assignment Operator
JavaScript Arithmetic Operations
JavaScript Arithmetic Operations Continued
JavaScript Operator Precedence
JavaScript Data Types
JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Object Output
JavaScript Strings
JavaScript String Length
JavaScript Special Characters
JavaScript Random Numbers
JavaScript Min and Max Function
JavaScript Math Round Function
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript Array Attributes
JavaScript Arrays – Pop – Push – Shift – Unshift
JavaScript Changing and Deleting Elements
JavaScript Splicing an Array
JavaScript Sorting an Array
JavaScript Joining Arrays
JavaScript Conditional Statements
JavaScript Comparisons
JavaScript Booleans
JavaScript For Loops
JavaScript For-In Loop
JavaScript While Loops
JavaScript Do-While Loop
JavaScript Break and Continue
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Events
JavaScript Project 1 – BG Color Changer
JavaScript Project 2 – Photo Gallery
JavaScript Project 2 – Completion
Bootstrap Section
Introduction to Bootstrap
Embedding Bootstrap
Bootstrap – Basic Page Structure
Bootstrap Grid System
Bootstrap Three Column Layouts
Bootstrap Typography
Bootstrap Tables
Bootstrap Styling Images
Bootstrap Jumbotron
Bootstrap Wells
Bootstrap Alerts
Bootstrap Buttons
Bootstrap Button Groups
Bootstrap Justified Button Groups
Bootstrap Glyphicons
Bootstrap Badges and Labels
Bootstrap Progress Bars
Bootstrap Pagination
Bootstrap Pager Pagination
Bootstrap List Groups
Bootstrap Panels
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus
Bootstrap Collapsibles
Bootstrap Collapse Panel
Bootstrap Collapse List Group
Bootstrap Accordian
Bootstrap Tab Menus
Bootstrap Pill Menus
Bootstrap Dynamic Tabs and Pills
Bootstrap Navigation Bar
Bootstrap Collapsible Navigation Bar
Bootstrap Forms – Vertical and Inline
Bootstrap Inputs
Bootstrap Form Control States
Bootstrap Input Sizing
Bootstrap Carousel
Bootstrap Modal
Bootstrap Tooltip
Bootstrap Popover
Bootstrap Scrollspy
Bootstrap Project – Themes Intro
Bootstrap Project – File Overview
Bootstrap Project – Script Overview
Bootstrap Project – Script Overview Continued
PHP Section
PHP Introduction
PHP Preparation
PHP File Test
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP Variable Scope
PHP Global Keyword
PHP Static Keyword
PHP Echo vs Print
PHP Data Types
PHP Objects
PHP Strings
PHP Constants
PHP Operators
PHP Conditional Statements
PHP ElseIf Statement
PHP Switch Statement
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Functions Continued
PHP Arrays
PHP Multidimensional Arrays
PHP Sorting Arrays
PHP Superglobal Variables
PHP Forms Introduction
PHP POST vs GET Basics
PHP Form Output and Validation
PHP Form Required Fields
PHP Validation Continued