• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Learn Java Swing programming and its components along with which you learn how to develop Java Swing applications

What you will learn

ou will learn about features of Swing such as easily extensible, configurable, Lightweight UI, Loosely Coupled, and Supporting MVC – Model View Controller

Learn about basic programing construct of swing and you will be able to use GUI features such as buttons, checkboxes, etc in your program

you will learn about handling the IO operations with Java-like reading and writing the data as in the case of data processing

Writer class, Output Stream class, Fine class, Random Access File class, etc, and its related subclasses


Java Swing is a more prominent GUI component which is part of the Oracles JFC – Java Foundation Classes API. This provides a more sophisticated Graphical interface option to the Java Programs. In this module, you will also learn about why AWT – Abstract Windows Toolkit was replaced with Swing and Abstract Windows Toolkit was replaced with Swing and what are its cons. You will also get to in what way swing is superior to its competitors and traditional GUI toolkits such as AWT, SWT. You will learn about features of Swing such as easily extensible, configurable, Lightweight UI, Loosely Coupled, and Supporting MVC – Model View Controller. In this module itself, you will be briefed about basic programing construct of swing and you will be able to use GUI features such as buttons, checkboxes, etc in your program We will be having a good number of use cases to handle your hands-on requirement and confidence.

you will learn about handling the IO operations with Java-like reading and writing the data as in the case of data processing. You will learn about what are the various classes and subclasses. In this module, you will get answers to questions such as what is Java I/O and where and how to use it?. In this module you will also learn about Java Streams, what are the main categories of the classes in IO packages in Java. You will get to know about the reader class and also its related subclass. Similarly Writer class, Output Stream class, Fine class, Random Access File class, etc, and its related subclasses. This module is one the core module for this course and we have sufficient use cases to emphasize on associates understanding levels.

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Swing is and Graphical User Interface based Jvatools which has a rich collection of widgets included in it. This Swing is part of the JFC which is abbreviated to Java Foundation Classes. It contains many packages that will help in the GUI requirement for your Java application and since it is based on the java it is also platform-independent. Java Abstract Widget Toolkit (AWT) is an older and platform-dependent toolkit on top which most of the swing libraries are built on. You will be able to directly use GUI components such as button, textbox, label, text area from this set of library and this eliminates the scratch level creation dependency that was there earlier.

Once the course is completed you will be familiar with all the technical concepts of Java Swing and will be able to easily implement it on your Java Programs. You will be gaining a good amount of confidence once the course is completed compared to before joining the course. You will be comfortable in using various GUI options such as buttons, Jframes, Jlable, JtextFied, JtextArea, etc. In your programs wherever required and you will be also comfortable in using various methods and constructors that are part about GUI options. You will be easily able to handle IO based operations with Java and can easily use various classes and subclasses such as Reader Class, Writer Class, Output Stream Class, Fine Class, etc. Once this Java Swing Training is completed you will also be able to handle your build and project-related requirements using Maven.



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