Learn Java’s fundamental and advanced features with considering internals of JVM.
Learn and Master Object-Oriented Programming by following the appropriate examples.
Learn and Master Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
Learn and Master Exceptions, Generics, Collections, Concurrency, Multi-threading, Network Programming
Learn and Master Java IO, Java NIO, JDBC with MySQL, Garbage Collector, Annotations, Reflection, Regular Expressions.
Learn And Master Functional Programming using Java 8 features like Lambda Expressions and Streams
Following the lectures, create a number of applications that will assist you in covering the concept.
Following the assignment and their solutions, create a number of applications that will assist you in covering the concept.
By solving the quizzes, you will gain experience with the Java Certification Exams and have a comprehensive understanding of the sections.
Learn how to use IDE (IntelliJ) Features to code quickly
What will you learn?
Learn Java Programming In This Course With 275+ Coding Examples And Become A Complete Java Programmer
Learn Java’s fundamental and advanced features with considering the internals of JVM.
Learn And Master Object-Oriented Programming by following the appropriate examples.
Learn And Master Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
Learn And Master Exceptions, Generics, Collections, Concurrency, Multi-threading, Network Programming
Learn And Master Java IO, Java NIO, JDBC with MySQL, Garbage Collector, Annotations, Reflection, Regular Expressions.
Learn And Master Functional Programming using Java 8 features like Lambda Expressions and Streams
Following the lectures, create a number of applications that will assist you in covering the concept.
Following the assignment and their solutions, create a number of applications that will assist you in covering the concept.
By solving the quizzes, you will gain experience with the Java Certification Exams and have a comprehensive understanding of the sections.
Learn how to use IDE (IntelliJ) Features to code quickly
Why should you learn Java?
There are many reasons to learn Java. Let me mention the most important ones.
1. Java is the most in-demand programming language in the world.
2. There is no limit to what you can build with Java.
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3. Java developers make great money.
4. Java has a large community of support.
5. Java is a beginner-friendly language, which makes it an ideal language for newcomers.
For all these reasons, Java will give you a big competitive advantage.
If you follow this course with patience, you can start from scratch and become a master.
why do you need this course?
This course has been developed for Java programmer candidates and also for experienced Java programmers who want to boost their Object-Oriented Programming skills and learn advanced Java programming concepts.
This course has 36 sections, 285 video lectures, 36 quizzes, and 50 coding assignments.
Lectures cover the most required topics, including code resources, with line-by-line explanation comments. Quizzes consist of selected questions that will help you prepare for the Oracle Java Certification exams. Assignments will help you code yourselves with instructions. You will also have a downloadable instructor solution for each assignment.
This course has 36 sections, 285 video lectures. Lectures cover the most required topics. Each video lecture has a short presentation part of about 1 minute on average that gives the theoretical overview of the topic. During each video lecture, I will develop a basic application step-by-step using IntelliJ that covers the related topic. For each lecture, a downloadable resource is provided that includes all java source files. All Java source files have line-by-line explanation comments.
This course has 36 quizzes. Each section has one multiple-choice quiz. Questions are selected to complement the lecture. These selected questions will also help you prepare for the Oracle Java Certification exams and job interviews. Please do not skip the quizzes if you want to have a comprehensive understanding of the lectures.
This course has 50 coding assignments. Each section has at least one assignment. Assignments have been prepared to help you code yourselves and have a comprehensive understanding of the topic. With each assignment, you will be given a problem and expected to solve it according to the given instructions. A downloadable solution is provided for each assignment. Also, you can share your solution with other students and get feedback from them. These assignments will boost your coding capability. Please do not skip the assignments if you want to have a comprehensive understanding of the lectures.
Why Should You Learn Java?
Sections And Lectures
The Brief History Of Java
Java As A Language
How Does JRE Work?
Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
Introduction To Java Language Quiz
Data Types And Variables
Non-Primitive String
Primitive Integral Data Types
Primitive Floating Point Data Types
Primitive Boolean Data Type
Primitive Character Data Type
Local Variables, Initial And Default Values
Automatic Implicit Type Casting Or Widening
Explicit Type Casting Or Narrowing
Type Promotion And Explicit Type Casting In Expressions
Representing Numeric Literals In Binary, Octal And Hexadecimal Bases
Numeric Literals And Use Of Underscore
Scaled And Exponential Numeric Literals
Data Types And Variables Quiz
Arithmetic Operators
Unary Operators
Bitwise Logic Operators
Bitwise Shift Operators
Comparison Operators
Logic Operators
Assignment Operators
Ternary Or Conditional Operator
Operator Presedence
Operators Quiz
if Statement
if else Statement
if else if Ladder
Nested If
Switch Case Statement
Conditional Controls Quiz
For Loop
While Loop
Do While Loop
Infinite Loops
Break Continue Statements
Nested Loops
Labeled Loops
Loops Quiz
What Is Array ? – Array Declaration And Instantiation
Initializing Arrays
Accessing And Modifying Array Elements
Array Length, Traversing Through Arrays, Advanced For Loop
Multidimensional Arrays
Arrays Quiz
Method Signature And Creating Methods
Calling Methods
Method Overloading
Recursive Methods
Methods Quiz
What is Object Oriented Programming ?
Class And Object
Creating Class Fields And Methods
Creating Objects And Accessing And Modifying Members
Constructors And Initializing Objects
“this” Keyword
Pass by Reference, Pass By Value
Static Fields, Class Variables, Instance Variables
Static Methods or Class Methods
Static Blocks
Instance Initialize Blocks
Constants And Final Fields
Main Method In Detail
Basics Of OOP Quiz
Importing Packages And Classes
Creating User Defined Packages
Static Import
Packages Quiz
Public And Default Access Modifiers
Private Fields, Getters And Setters
Private Methods
Encapsulation Quiz
Inheritance, Super Classes And Sub Classes
Inheritance Of Public Members
Inheritance Of Private Members
Inheritance Of Default Members
Protected Access Modifiers And Inheritance
Adding New Members To Sub Classes
Method Overriding
Super Keyword
Inheritance And Constructors
Final Classes, Final Methods, Final Parameters
Types Of Inheritance And Rules
Inheritance Quiz
What is Polymorphism?
“Is A” Relationship And instanceOf Operator
Late Binding And Early Binding
Polymorphic Sub Types
Field Hiding And Method Hiding
Upcasting And Downcasting
Object Class
Polymorphism Quiz
What is Abstraction?
Abstract Classes And Abstract Methods
Extending Abstract Classes
Adding Non-abstract Methods To Abstract Classes
Static Members In Abstract Classes
Abstract Classes And Polymorphism
Interfaces And Defining A Java Interface
Implementing Interfaces
Default Methods
Interface Static Methods
Interface Fields
Interface Private Methods
Interfaces And Inheritance
Interfaces Versus Abstract Classes
Abstraction Quiz
Composition And “Has A” Relationship
Composition Quiz
What is Nested Class?
Inner Classes
Static Nested Classes
Local Inner Classes
Anonymous Classes
Nested Classes Quiz
Defining And Using An Enum Type
Comparing Enum Types
Enum Fields, Enum Constructors And Enum Methods
Methods Of java.lang.Enum
Inheritance And Enum Types
Enum Types Quiz
The String Class
String Interning
How And Why Are Strings Immutable?
String Methods
Escape Sequences
StringBuilder And StringBuffer Classes
Strings Quiz
Wrapper Classes
Wrapper Classes Internal Caching
Immutability Of Wrapper Numeric Classes
Autoboxing And Unboxing
Wrapper Classes Methods
NaN, Not A Numeric Number
Wrapper Classes
The Math And The StrictMath Classes
Arithmetic Overflow
Number Randomizing
BigInteger Class
BigDecimal Class
BigDecimal Rounding With The MathContext
Java Mathematics Quiz
ZonedDateTime And OffsetDateTime
Period And Duration
Instant Class, Timestamp And Epoch
Java Date And Time Quiz
Simple Decimal Formatting
Localized Decimal Formatting
Date And Time Formatting
Custom Date Time Formatting
String Formatting
Formatting Quiz
Copying Arrays Using Arrays Class
Filling Arrays Using Arrays Class
Comparing Arrays Using Arrays Class
Sorting Arrays And Searching In Arrays Using Arrays Class
Sorting And Searching Arrays Of User Defined Types
Arrays Class Quiz
What is an Exception?
Sample Exceptions
Try Catch Blocks
Multiple Catch Blocks
Union Catch Blocks
Finally Blocks
Exception Hierarchy, Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions And Errors
“throws” Keyword
Throwing Exceptions Using Throw Statement
The Throwable Class
Creating Custom Exceptions
Exception Handling Quiz
Why need Generics?
Generic Type Invocation And Instantiation
Raw Types
Generic Interfaces
Generic Methods
Bounded Type Parameters
Generic Inheritance
Generics And Subtypes
Upper Bounded Wildcards
Unbounded Wildcards
Lower Bounded Wildcards
Wildcard Capture And Helper Methods
Erasure Of Generic Types
Erasure Of Generic Methods
Type Erasure And Synthetic Bridge Methods
Restrictions On Generics
Generics Quiz
Collections Overview
The List Interface
The ArrayList Class
ArrayList Internals And Capacity
The LinkedList Class
The Vector Class
The Stack Class
Sorting Lists Using The Comparator Interface
Sorting Lists Using The Collections Class
Sorting Lists Of Comparable Objects
The Set Interface
The HashSet Class
The LinkedHashSet Class
The TreeSet Class
The Queue Interface
The PriorityQueue Class
The Deque Interface
The ArrayDeque Class
The ListIterator
The Map Interface
The HashMap Class
The LinkedHashMap Class
The TreeMap Class
Iteration Over Maps
Immutable Collections And Collection Factories
Collections Quiz
Process And Thread Overview
Creating Threads By Implementing The Runnable Interface
Creating Threads By Extending The Thread Class
Pausing Thread Execution With Sleep Method
Interrupts And Handling The InterruptedException
Interrupts And Interrupt Flag
Thread Joins
Thread Interference And Memory Inconsistency
Intrinsic Locks And Synchronized Methods
Intrinsic Locks And Synchronized Statements
Fine Grained Synchronization
“volatile” Keyword
Inter-thread Communication
Locks And The Lock Interface
Thread Starvation
Atomic Access And Atomic Variables
Thread Local Variables
The Executors Framework And Thread Pools
The ExecutorService Interface
The ScheduledExecutorService
Callable And Future
Concurrent Collections And The BlockingQueue
Concurrency Quiz
Lambda Expressions
Functional Interfaces
Method References
The Optional Class
Streams And Generating Streams
Stream Methods
Statistics With Stream
Parallel Streams
Stream Reduce
New Features Quiz
Files And Input/Output(I/O) Overview
Reading Files With The FileInputStream
Writing File With The FileOutputStream
Reading Files With The FileReader
Writing Files With The FileWriter
Copying Files With Buffered Streams
Random Access Files
The File Class
Reading Input From Keyboard With The Scanner
Java IO Quiz
Serialization, Deserialization And Transient Fields
Externalization And The Externalizable Interface
Serialization Quiz
Networking Overview
Socket Programming, Client – Server Application
The URL Class
The URLConnection Class
The InetAddress Class
The DatagramSocket, The DatagramPacket And UDP
Network Programming Quiz
Java NIO Overview
NIO Channels
NIO Scatter
NIO Gather
NIO Selector
NIO Pipe
NIO Path
NIO Files
NIO Asynchronous File Channel
NIO Completion Handler
NIO File Lock
Java NIO Quiz
JDBC Overview
Connecting To MySQL Server
Statement And Execute Methods
ResultSet And ExecuteQuery
The PreparedStatement
The CallableStatement
Garbage Collector Overview
Java Runtime And Process Classes
Non-Reference Objects
Requesting For Garbage Collection And The Finalize Method
Garbage Collector Quiz
Reflection Overview
Accessing And Modifying Fields Using Reflection
Accessing And Invoking Methods Using Reflection
Creating A New Instance Using Reflection
Reflection Quiz
User Defined Custom Annotations
Annotation Quiz
Regular Expressions
Regular Expression Character Classes
Regular Expression Quantifiers
Regular Expression Predefined Character Classes
Regular Expression Quiz