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JDBC - The Ultimate Bundle on JDBC | JSP | Servlet | JSF
Get a good knowledge of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Master JSP, Servlet, JSF, JSTL, Applet and much more

What you will learn

The primary goal of this course is to prepare students for a successful professional career in the advance java. To get a good knowledge of java database connectivity (JDBC).

JDBC is used to provide Java programmers with a simple, uniform interface to a wide range of relational databases.

It is used to provide database independence. It can replace the hidden database with minimal code impact. JDBC gives a common base on which higher level tools and interfaces can be built.

The JDBC API is devoted to providing general access features for developers. The goal is to provide native applications which can achieve the same level of accessibility features.

After completing the course, a participant can fluently work on JDBC. In simple words, the main objective is to make you awesome in java and that of database connectivity.


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java API which is used to connect and execute query to the database. API stands for Application programming interface which is a document which contains a description of all the features of a product (software). It shows classes and interfaces that software programs can follow to communicate with each other. An application programming interface (API) can be created for applications, libraries, operating systems etc.

That JDBC API uses Java Database Connectivity drivers to connect to the database.

The Java Database Connectivity API can access any kind of tabular data, mainly data stored in a Relational Database.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)Β  works with Java on various platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.

JDBC provides a complete set of interfaces that allows for portable access to a basic database.

JDBC provides the same efficiency as ODBC which allowing Java programs to contain database independent code.

The JDBC library consists of APIs for each of the tasks commonly associated with database usage:

Making or creating a connection to a database

Creating SQL or MySQL statements

Executing that SQL or MySQL queries in the database

Viewing & Modifying the resulting records

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Architecture:-

The JDBC API supports two processing models namely two-tier and three-tier for database access. But in general, JDBC Architecture consists of two layers:

i) JDBC API: This provides the application to JDBC Manager Connection.

ii) JDBC Driver API: This supports the JDBC Manager to Driver Connection.

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The JDBC API use a driver manager and database specific drivers to give transparent connectivity to heterogeneous databases.

The JDBC driver manager assures that the correct driver is used to access each and every data source.

The driver manager is proficient in supporting multiple concurrent drivers connected to multiple different databases.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers are of 4 types-

1) JDBC-ODBC bridge driver

2) Native-API driver or partially-java driver

3) Network protocol driver or fully-java driver

4) Thin driver or fully-java driver

Why is JDBC Training required?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java API which is used to connect and execute a query to the database. It uses JDBC drivers to connect to the database.

We know that before JDBC, ODBC API was used to connect and execute a query to the database. But ODBC API uses ODBC driver which is written in C language that is platform dependent and unsecured. That is why Sun Microsystem has defined its own API (JDBC API) which uses JDBC driver written in Java language.

JDBC grants multiple implementations to exist and is used by the same application. The API gives a mechanism for dynamically loading the correct Java packages and registering them with the JDBC Driver Manager.

For creating JDBC connections, the Driver Manager is used as a connection factory.

JDBC connections support to create and execute statements.

Also, it(JDBC) allows a Java Program to issue SQL statement and process the results.



JDBC 01 – Introduction to Java and JDBC

Creating a sample web application
Creating Windows Application using Java
Creating Windows Application using Java Continues
File Handling in Java
Performing Simple Calculations

JDBC 02 – JDBC Statements and Result Sets

Introductions JDBC API
Types of JDBC APIs
Driver Manager Class
Connection Interface
Statement Connection Interface
Connection with Databases
Obtaining Connection in JDBC
Creating JDBC Statement
JDBC Statements
Methods of Statement Object
Methods of Statement Object
Example for Statement Object
Prepared Statement
Prepared Statement Example
Prepared Statement with Parameters
Callable Statements
Example of Callable Statement
Calling Function Using Callable Statements
Cursor with Callable Statement
Result Set
Various Methods of Result Set Object
Example of Result Set
Handling Null values
Result Set Metadata
Command Prompt SQL Editor
GUI Application for SQL Editor Continues
Result Set Object
Example with Statement object
Example with Prepared Statement
Different Types of Resultset
Example for Updating Row from Database
Example for Deleting Row from Database
Resultset Object to Insert a Row
Retriving Database and Driver Details

JDBC 03 – Advanced JDBC Concepts

Exploring SQL-99 Types
Storing BLOB value in Database
Reading BLOB Values
Storing CLOB Values in Database
Reading CLOB Dalues
NCLOB Data Type
Array Data Type and Ref Type
Batch Update Example
Batch update with Prepared Statement
SQL XML Data Type
Auto Generated Keys
Row Set in JDBC
Connection Pooling
Working with Transactions
Wrapper Interface
SQL Exception

JDBC 04 – Working with Java Servlet

Introducing Java Servlet
Servlet API
Servlet Life Cycle
Serlvet Life Cycle Methods
Creating Servlet App on Tomcat Server
Deploying Servlet App on Tomcat Serv
Generic Servlet
Example of Generic Servlet
Implementing Servlet Request Interface
Example Implementing Servlet Request Interface
Initialization Parameters and Example
Initialization Parameters and Example Continues
Context Initialization Parameters
Example of Context Initialization Parameters
Servlet Response
Request Dispatcher
Request Dispatcher Example
Request Dispatcher Example Continues
Describing Request Attributes
Example of Describing Request Attributes
Describing HTTP Basic
HTTP Servlet Request and Response
Http Servlet Request and Response Continues
Response Example
Introducing Session Tracking
URL Rewriting and Hidden Form Fields
Example of URL Rewriting
Example of Hidden Form Fields
More on URL Rewriting
More on Hidden Form Fields
Describing Cookies
Example of Describing Cookies 1
Exploring HTTP Session
Example of Describing Cookies 2
Driver Connection Http Session
Driver Connection Http Session Connection
Scope of Web Application Objects
Example of Scope of Web Application Objects

JDBC 05 – Communicating with Applet

Filters in Java
Examples Filters in Java
Servlet Context Listener Interface
Example Servlet Context Listener Interface
Servlet Context Attribute Listener Interface
Example Servlet Context Attribute Listener Interface
Http Session Listener Interface
Example Http Session Listener Interface
Http Session Binding Listener Interface
Example Http Session Binding Listener Interface
Describing Wrappers and Example
Describing Wrappers & Example Continues
Applet Servlet Communication
Example Applet Servlet Communication
Types of Inter Servlet Manipulation
Example of Inter Servlet Manipulation
Example of Inter Servlet Manipulation Continues

JDBC 06 – Servlet and JSP

HTTP Protocol Mechanism
Understanding JSP
Example of JSP
JSP Life Cycle
Example of JSP Life Cycle
Exploring Scripting Tags
Example of Scripting Tags
Implicit Object
Example of Implicit Object
Directive Tags
Example of Directive Tags

JDBC 07 – Advanced JSP Concepts

Java Bean
Example of Java Bean
Use Bean Tag and Property
Declaring a Bean in JSP
Example of Declaring Bean
Introduction to Custom Tags
Example Custom Tag Library
Example of Custom Tags
Example of Custom Tags Continues
Adding A New Java Class to Custom Tags
Body Content Tag Interface
Example of Body Content Tags
Example of Body Content Tags Continues
Eval Body Buffered
Example of Eval Body Buffered
Iteration Tag Interface
Example of Iteration Tag Interface
Simple Tags
Simple Tags Continues
Types of EL Expressions
Tag Attribute Types
EL Operators
Example of EL Operators
Example of EL Operators Continues
EL Functions

JDBC 08 – Implementing Internationalisation using Java

Describing Locale Class
Resource Bundle Class
Creating a List Resource Bundle
Internationalizing Web Applications
Internationalizing Web Applications Continues
General Purpose Tags
Example of General Purpose Tags
Conditional and Looping Tag Example
Conditional and Looping tag Example Continues
Networking Tags
Example of JSTL SQL Tags
JSTL Basic Formatting Tag
JSTL Basic Formatting Tag Continues
JSTL Number Formatting Tags
Date Formatting Tags
Time Zone Formatting Tags, XML Tags
Examples and JSTL Functions
What is JSF
JSF HTML Tags Continues
Selecting Checkbox Using JSF HTML
JSF Core Tags
Validator Tags and Output Tags using JSF Core Tags
Example of Backing Bean
Example of Simple JSF Application

JDBC 09 – Java EE Implementation

Introduction to Java EE Design Pattern
Types of Patterns in Java EE
Authorization and Authentication in Web Application
Authorization and Authentication in Web Application Continues