• Post category:StudyBullet-19
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The pragmatic complete Guide to Internet and Computer Security

What you will learn

Understand the Golden Rules for Security – what you have to do

Learn how the Internet works and Attackers use simple technologies to trick you

Recognize common Attack Schemes

Technical Rules and practical behavioral Guidelines

Why take this course?

IT Security Awareness for Employees and Individuals

– The pragmatic complete Guide to Internet and Computer Security –

Am I secure? What I can do for IT security as an employee and individual.

Anyone who works with computers or mobile digital devices should understand the basics of the internet, to be able to behave correctly. This course explains the background to how the internet works and which schemes attackers use to trick users.

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The courses describes technical countermeasures as well as the correct user behavior plus guides users to recognize common attacking schemes.

How do Cyber criminals think? What are the dangers? What do I have to watch out for? Are cookies bad?

The course will answer these questions and more:

  1. Introduction & Motivation
  2. What actually is “Security”? – Trying to understand In-/Security
  3. Internet Basics: The Internet…and the Cloud
  4. Basic Attacking Scheme
  5. Users as the weak point: Recognizing Attack Schemes & Phishing (Part 1)
  6. Users as the weak point: Recognizing Attack Schemes & Phishing (Part 2)
  7. Users as the weak point: Recognizing Attack Schemes & Phishing (Part 3)
  8. Example: The ideal (Banking-)Trojan
  9. Technical Security: Hacking
  10. Insert: Online Shopping
  11. Insert: The ‘better’ (more secure) Operating system?
  12. Insert: ‘Hacking’ outside of PCs and mobile Devices
  13. Insert: Disposing, Passing on, Selling Devices
  14. Authentication & Passwords
  15. The Golden Security Rules

Instructor Frank Hissen, Computer Scientist and Security Expert, teaches IT security for over 20 years and works for companies of all sizes as IT Security Consultant and Software Engineer.
