Create, debug, and improve your unit tests and code

What you will learn

Get set up for creating unit tests in java in the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment

Create unit tests for a simple code library

Enhance your unit tests through the use of Data Driven techniques

Learn how to debug your unit tests

Why take this course?

—**Course Title:** Introduction to Unit Testing in Java

**Headline:** 🚀 **Master the Art of Unit Testing with Java and Eclipse** 🚫 Bugs Left Behind!

**Course Description:**

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of unit testing within the Java ecosystem, where you will not only understand the **why** but also master the **how**. Our interactive online course is meticulously designed to guide you through the process of creating, debugging, and enhancing your unit tests effectively using the powerful Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).

🔍 **Key Takeaways:**

– **Hands-On Learning:** Dive into practical exercises that reinforce theoretical concepts.
– **Real-World Application:** Apply what you learn to real projects, making the transition from theory to practice seamless.
– **TDD & BDD Insights:** Learn the foundational principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).
– **Professional Tips:** Receive expert advice on writing unit tests that are maintainable, scalable, and robust.
– **Starter & Finished Projects:** Utilize a variety of code examples to kickstart your projects or reference for further learning.

**Course Structure:**

1. **Introduction to Unit Testing in Java:**
– Understanding the importance of unit tests in software development.
– Overview of Java’s testing frameworks and JUnit as a cornerstone.

2. **Setting Up Your Development Environment with Eclipse:**
– Installation and configuration.
– Navigating the Eclipse interface for efficient test creation.

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3. **Creating Unit Tests:**
– Step-by-step guide on writing your first unit test.
– Strategies for selecting test cases that cover critical functionalities of your Java code.

4. **Debugging Unit Tests:**
– Techniques to identify and fix bugs within your tests.
– Debugging tools in Eclipse to enhance your problem-solving skills.

5. **Iterative Improvement:**
– Introduction to the two iteration cycle for continuous integration.
– Best practices for maintaining and evolving your unit tests alongside product development.

6. **Advanced Concepts & Labs:**
– Deep dive into mock objects and dependency injection for cleaner tests.
– Hands-on labs to apply TDD principles in real scenarios.

7. **Towards BDD/TDD Mastery:**
– Understanding the role of BDD and TDD in modern software development.
– How to transition from basic unit testing to more sophisticated test strategies.

**Who is this course for?**

– Aspiring Software Testers who wish to elevate their skills.
– Current Java Developers seeking to enhance their code quality and maintainability.
– Students studying Computer Science or related fields looking to expand their knowledge in software testing.
– Manual Testers aiming to switch to or enhance their automation testing abilities.

**Take the first step towards excellence in unit testing today!** 🌟 With this course, you will not only write tests but also understand how they can drastically improve your software development process. Enroll now and become a key player in ensuring high-quality, bug-free applications!
