The basics of dispute resolution in payments, in both theory and practice
☑ The different types of dispute resolution – both litigation and ADR approaches
☑ An extensive list of all reason codes for payment chargebacks, and what each represents
☑ How the chargeback process works between an acquiring and issuing bank, as well as possible payment scheme involvement
☑ How ODR affects dispute resolution by leveraging online communication
Payment disputes are an important issue to solve, either as a merchant, cardholder or bank.
There are many reasons for disputes, and multiple methods for dispute resolution. All of these can affect the results of a dispute for the different parties involved.
In order to be effective at dispute resolution, it’s important to understand not just the reasons for disputes, but also the mechanisms for their resolution, and the consequences of each.
It’s the type of knowledge that can be easily acquired – if it’s correctly taught.
Unfortunately, most dispute management courses nowadays don’t fit the minimum requirements.
Either they focus only on specific components of the dispute resolution process, not illustrating how they work, or they miss technicalities unique to the banking industry, or miss other important information.
Or they’re just too academical and not easy to put into practice.
This doesn’t just hurt your future knowledge of dispute resolution, but also you personally.
When we can’t properly understand how disputes are resolved:
– We become confused and frustrated with different dispute resolution types;
– We don’t know how a particular dispute can be successfully resolved;
– We don’t know the correct workflow for dispute resolution in banking;
– We don’t know why certain banks are better than others at the process – or even what matters to their clients;
– We don’t know what specific chargeback reason codes mean;
So what is my proposed solution?
Unlike other dispute resolution courses out there, this course is comprehensive and updated.
In other words, not only will this course cover the different types of dispute resolution, namely ADR, it will also cover the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) framework and how it works, then diving into dispute resolution for banking in specific, and also giving you a detailed rundown of all types of chargeback reason codes, and the way to address each of them.
In this course, we will cover topics such as:
– What the different types of payment disputes are, represented by different reason codes for chargebacks;
– How both the issuing and acquiring bank interact in the case of a chargeback situation, as well as the dispute resolution process;
– What the different ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) methods are (usually grouped into negotiation, mediation and arbitration), as well as specific implementations of these;
– What the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) standard represents, its advantages, and how it’s implemented;
This course is aimed at any professional that has to deal with dispute resolution in their everyday life, and especially related to payment systems. It includes:
– Dispute resolution professionals at acquiring or issuing banks;
– Merchants that deal with cardholder disputes;
– Consumers that are interested in knowing how to deal with disputes with merchants;
By the end of this course, you will be able to effectively diagnose what causes specific payment disputes, as well as what the process is to deal with them, and the different dispute resolution procedures available to you.
This course is targeted at different types of people. Naturally, all current or future dispute management professionals will find this course useful. But any other professional that aims to know more about how disputes are resolved will find it useful.
More specifically, the ideal student for this course is someone who:
– Will directly deal with dispute management or resolution;
– Wants to know more about the different types of dispute resolution (both litigation and ADR, offline or not);
– Wants to specifically know how to address disputes involving merchants and cardholders (as a bank or merchant);
– Wants to know more about the different types of reason codes for chargebacks (and how to prevent them);
– Wants to know how to perform dispute resolution using multiple methods (negotiation, mediation and/or arbitration);
Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
- The essentials of disputes (contractual vs. non-contractual disputes, payment disputes, issuer and acquirer banks);
- What ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is and how it differs from litigation;
- What the different types of ADR are (negotiation, mediation and arbitration), as well as the differences between these, and specific implementations of them;
- The ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) framework, as well as its context and six key principles (accountability, transparency, accessibility, credibility/accreditation, security and enforceability);
- The three major steps in an ODR process;
- The three major types of ODR tools (cyber courts, electronic ADR, internal ADR);
- Implementations of ODR (such as blind bidding, cyber mediation, cyber negotiation and cyber arbitration), as well as specific case studies such as ICANN-WIPO;
- General guidelines for more efficient dispute resolution as a merchant bank;
- The steps in the lifecycle of a dispute between an issuer and an acquirer bank, including the retrieval request, chargeback, and second chargeback;
- The conditions under which the payment scheme may become involved in a chargeback, as well as some measures by them (allocation vs. mediation, pre-arbitration vs. arbitration, liability shifts);
- Disputes by different payment systems: debit cards, credit cards, ACH, prepaid cards, ATM;
- The four major categories of chargeback reason codes: fraud, authorization errors, processing errors, customer disputes;
- The usual types of chargeback reason codes due to fraud (not authorised or recognised transactions, fraudulent processing, monitored merchant or monitored card, the EMV liability shift);
- The usual types of chargeback reason codes due to authorization issues (missing or declined authorisation, card in recovery/lost card/stolen card, invalid authorization information),
- The usual types of chargeback reason codes due to processing errors (late presentment, invalid transaction code or invalid transaction data, duplicated payment or paid by other means, currency mismatches);
- The usual types of chargeback reason codes due to consumer disputes (mismatches in terms of goods – counterfeit, misrepresented, not delivered, others – cancelled or incomplete transactions, credit not processed);
Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.
Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don’t want you to waste your money.
If you think this course is a fit and can take your dispute resolution knowledge to the next level… it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.
See on the other side!
If you’re interested in financial courses, it may be of use for you to explore some of my other courses, including:
- Fundamentals of Private Equity;
- Common Provisions in Alternative Asset Management;
- Introduction to Fraud Prevention;
Dispute Considerations
Dispute Considerations Quiz
ADR Approaches
Module Intro
Negotiation Quiz
Mediation Quiz
Arbitration Quiz
Module Outro
ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)
Module Intro
Context and Principles
Context and Principles Quiz
Steps and Categories
Steps and Categories Quiz
Implementation and Case Studies
Implementation and Case Studies Quiz
Module Outro
In Merchant Banking
Module Intro
General Guidelines
General Guidelines Quiz
Disputes by Payment System
Disputes by Payment System Quiz
Dispute Lifecycle
Dispute Lifecycle Quiz
Scheme Involvement
Scheme Involvement Quiz
Module Outro
Chargeback Reason Codes
Module Intro
Fraud: Introduction
Fraud: Not Authorised/Recognised
Fraud: Not Authorised/Recognised Quiz
Fraud: Fraudulent Processing
Fraud: Fraudulent Processing Quiz
Fraud: Monitored Merchant or Card
Fraud: Monitored Merchant or Card Quiz
Fraud: EMV Liability Shift
Fraud: EMV Liability Shift Quiz
Authorization: Introduction
Authorization: Missing/Declined Authorization
Authorization: Missing/Declined Authorization Quiz
Authorization: Card in Recovery/Lost/Stolen
Authorization: Card in Recovery/Lost/Stolen
Authorization: Invalid Information
Authorization: Invalid Information Quiz
Processing Errors: Introduction
Processing Errors: Invalid Code or Data
Processing Errors: Invalid Code or Data Quiz
Processing Errors: Invalid Amount/Account
Processing Errors: Invalid Amount/Account Quiz
Processing Errors: Duplicate/Other Payment
Processing Errors: Duplicate/Other Payment Quiz
Processing Errors: Currency Mismatches
Processing Errors: Currency Mismatches Quiz
Processing Errors: Late Presentment
Processing Errors: Late Presentment Quiz
Consumer Disputes: Introduction
Consumer Disputes: Mismatch of Goods
Consumer Disputes: Mismatch of Goods Quiz
Consumer Disputes: Cancelled/Not Completed Transaction
Consumer Disputes: Cancelled/Not Completed Transaction Quiz
Consumer Disputes: Credit Not Processed
Consumer Disputes: Credit Not Processed Quiz
Module Outro