Understand types of numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages for GCSE and IGCSE Maths

What you will learn

Identify the different types of numbers

How to add/subtract/multiply and divide fractions

Convert fractions into decimals

Convert decimals(both recurring and non-recurring) into fractions

Multiply and divide decimals with ease

Change percentage of something into an amount

Work out the original price of something given price after discount

Calculate percentage increase or decrease

Why take this course?

🚀 **Introduction to Numbers for GCSE(9-1)/IGCSE Mathematics: A Comprehensive Guide!**📘 **Course Description:**
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the vast array of numerical concepts in your GCSE or IGCSE Maths syllabus? Fear not! This course is your ticket to mastering the fundamental aspects of numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages. Designed for students who aim to secure a solid foundation in maths, this introductory course will demystify the complexities of numbers, making them clear and understandable. 🧮✨

**Why Take This Course?**
✅ **Foundation for Success:** A strong grasp of number operations is crucial for excelling in GCSE/IGCSE Maths. This course serves as a stepping stone to other advanced mathematical concepts.

✅ **Personalized Learning Experience:** Led by Michael Sivacourse, an experienced educator with a knack for explaining complex ideas simply, you’ll get personalized attention and guidance tailored to your learning pace and style.

✅ **Real-Life Application:** We don’t just teach theories; we show you how to apply your newfound knowledge to solve real-world problems, making maths relevant and engaging.

📚 **Course Breakdown:**
This course is structured to make your learning journey as smooth as possible. Here’s what you can expect:

**Understanding Types of Numbers:**
– Learn the different categories of numbers and their properties.
– Explore whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages in detail.

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**Mastering Fractions:**
– Discover how to work with fractions confidently.
– Practice simplifying, ordering, and comparing fractions.

**Converting with Ease:**
– Understand the relationships between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
– Learn how to switch seamlessly between these number forms.

**Percentage Problems Solved:**
– Get to grips with percentage increase and decrease.
– Solve GCSE/IGCSE level problems with confidence, using your new skills.

**Exam Skills for Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages:**
– Tackle exam-style questions with the knowledge you’ll gain from this course.
– Develop strategies to approach these types of questions effectively.

🎓 **Who is this course for?**
This course is perfect for:
– Students currently studying GCSE/IGCSE Maths who want to improve their understanding and grades.
– Educators looking to enhance their teaching materials on number operations.
– Anyone who wishes to brush up on their maths skills, especially in the context of GCSE/IGCSE examinations.

🎉 **Join us now and transform your approach to numbers!** With this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to tackle any numerical challenge that comes your way. Don’t let numbers intimidate you any longer – enroll in “Introduction to Numbers for GCSE(9-1)/IGCSE Mathematics” today and take a significant step towards maths mastery! 🎓🚀
