An Introductionary Course Into The World of Credit
What you will learn
Discuss the concepts of credit
List 3 ways in which credit is used
List ways to establish a good credit profile
Discuss consequences of a negative credit profile
Credit is an important term to understand in the financial world. The term credit is a broad term that can cover many different meanings in the financial world. This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts of credit, credit reports, credit scores and ways in which credit is built.
As part of today’s course we will also discuss the implications of negative credit and how to avoid having negative remarks reported on your credit report
One of the most practical ways in which credit is used by most people is to purchase a house or a car. If a person does not have large amounts of cash available to buy a home or a car, they will need credit established to take out a loan from a bank in order to complete a purchase.
I hope you gain some new knowledge from today’s course and I wish you nothing but success in your financial endeavors.
Video Credits:
Royalty Free Music by Twins Music:Β Brave
Royalty Free music by Vital: Easy
Royalty Free Image by Pixabay: Assorted Banknotes and Round Silver-colored Coins
Royalty Free Image by Indra Gunawan: View of Cityscape Against Sky during Sunset
Royalty Free Image by Fauxels: Photo of Three People Smiling While Having a Meeting
Legal disclaimer
The contents of this course provide general financial information. It is not legal advice or regulatory guidance. It is intended to provide basic financial concepts to help further financial education. You should always consult a lawyer or accountant for personal matters relating to finances