Internet Basics Simple Put

What you will learn

Formulate an adequate and clear definition of the concept of the Internet.

Reject any earlier erroneous impressions about the Internet and how it works.

Describe how 2 or more computers connect to exchange files and information.

Explain to others the loading process of a webpage in a browser.

Understand how search engines work and present the results of their searches.

Use different search engines.

Be aware of, and use, general rules that can help search engines achieve better results in their research.

Identify key criteria for the reliability of website content.

Reflect on the quality of information that can be found on the Internet.

Critically review any information published, either on the Internet or anywhere else.

Identify websites where their security is inadequate when entering your personal information.

Describe the basic indicators that a computer system may have been infected by malicious software.

Identify and use ways to prevent your computer from being infected by malicious software.


Get this course for your students or your children to get to know about the internet basics. Ideal for kids from 8 years old. Use it in class or at home!

Contains 6 cartoon-style funny videos.

Nowadays the Internet plays a leading role in the lives of most people. The apparent ease of use often creates the illusion that people know it well. But is that the case? This course hopes to create a new, more user-friendly look for the Internet.

The Internet has now taken an important place in everyone’s lives, and the apparent ease of use has significantly helped with this. Using the Internet is really easy. But is it really? Does it really help make our lives easier or harder?

The Internet is a “tool”. Like other tools, we really need to know how to use it properly.

This course contains the following, fundamental, modules relating to the Internet.

  • – What is the Internet?

A simple explanation of how the internet works.

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  • – Searching for Information on the Internet.

Search engines have become an indispensable utility for Internet users.

  • – Which Websites Can We Trust?

Answers about how to identify a trustworthy website.

  • – Secure Websites – Online Transactions.

How to know if a website is secure? Get answers and more

  • – Risks to our Computer.

What is a computer virus? Get answers and more.

Learning Subject: Internet Basics

Ages addressed: students, parents, and grandparents.



The Internet – Simply put

Why to attend this class
What is Internet?
Search Engines
Internet Trust
Purchases and Frauds
Internet Security