Learn the basics of WSO2 Identity Server and Identity and Access Management

What you will learn

This course is for developers and architects interested to learn the fundamentals of Identity and Access Management (IAM) using the WSO2 Identity Server.

Identity and Access Management

WSO2 Identity Server

Identity Basics

Why take this course?

The Introduction to WSO2 Identity Server course consists of videos, presentations, and tutorials to guide you through the basic concepts of identity and access management using the WSO2 Identity Server product.

Managing users and credentials, access delegation, single sign-on, identity federation, adaptive authentication, passwordless authentication, provisioning, B2Bย CIAM and APIย authorization are the topics covered in this session.

WSO2 Identity Server is a powerful, modern identity and access management solution for your on-premise or cloud environment. It enables organizations to deliver exceptional, trusted digital experiences to all types of users.

Preferred by customer reviewers over Okta, WSO2 Identity Server offers a more compelling technical direction, better feature updates, and superior support quality

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Optimized developer experience

  • New visual designer that simplifies development of authentication flows
  • New templates to easily configure apps and authentication methods
  • Simplified use of RBAC to define fine-grained API access policies
  • New authentication API for in-app authentication, further streamlining user access

Industry-leading B2B CIAM capabilities, simplifying secure access for business customers and partners

  • Advanced RBAC to define delegated administration rights
  • Choice of login options per customer, including enterprise IDP
  • Subscription model to ensure the right apps are available to customers
  • Customizable branding per customer to ensure the highest user engagement
  • Rich support for various organization hierarchies, such as B2B2C

Best API security available anywhere, using the powerful FAPI standard

  • Additional security features built on top of the OAuth2 standard
  • Originating in financial services, but now desired by many industries

Unified user experience

  • All-new administrative console
  • Shared with Asgardeo and Private Identity Cloud