• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:17 mins read

HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript for Beginners: From Zero to Hero
Building Your Foundation in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

What you will learn

Understand the fundamentals of HTML, including its purpose, the structure of HTML tags, and the history of HTML and HTML5.

Learn how to use quotation-related HTML tags, including blockquotes, short quotations, and other semantic elements for content citation and abbreviation.

Learn how to use quotation-related HTML tags, including blockquotes, short quotations, and other semantic elements for content citation and abbreviation.

Learn how to create tables in HTML5, including the use of table elements, attributes, and proper structuring of tabular data.

Develop proficiency in creating HTML forms, understanding form attributes, and working with various input types to collect user data.

Explore the essential HTML formatting elements, such as headings, paragraphs, and various formatting tags, to create well-structured web content.

Explore the essential HTML formatting elements, such as headings, paragraphs, and various formatting tags, to create well-structured web content.

Master the art of creating hyperlinks in HTML, including internal and external links, email links, and page jump links, while understanding link attributes etc

Distinguish between block-level and inline-level HTML elements and understand their roles in web page layout and content structure.

Explore HTML5 media elements, including video and audio tags, and discover how to embed multimedia content, including YouTube videos, into web pages.

Embrace the use of semantic HTML elements to enhance the accessibility and meaning of web content, both in theory and practice.

Introduce the fundamentals of CSS, including its role in web design, different types of CSS, and CSS selectors for styling HTML elements.

Explore CSS fundamentals, including the box model, box shadow, border radius, CSS grid, and flexbox for practical web page styling.

Delve into typography in web design by working with Google Fonts, custom fonts, and CSS typography properties to enhance text presentation.

Master the art of using background images and gradients in CSS to create visually appealing and customizable web backgrounds.

Apply the skills learned in previous sections to create a complete single-page website, including navigation, hero sections, and content sections.

Learn the principles of responsive web design using media queries and create a responsive menu for your web project.

Explore CSS3 transformations and animations to add interactivity and visual appeal to web elements.

Discover advanced web design techniques, including implementing a slider and a gallery lightbox using JavaScript libraries.

Learn how to test and debug web pages using browser developer tools and feature detection methods, ensuring cross-browser compatibility.

Apply the knowledge gained throughout the course to create another single-page website project, demonstrating proficiency in web design and development.

Understand JavaScript engines, Master JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, data types, and operators, and write basic JavaScript code.

Create effective conditional statements, handle logical conditions, and utilize control flow mechanisms like the ternary operator and switch statements.

Grasp advanced concepts like coercion, functions in JavaScript.

Become proficient in working with arrays and objects in JavaScript, including using various array methods and creating custom objects with methods.

Efficiently use different types of loops in JavaScript, such as for, while, do-while, forEach, for…in, and for…of loops.

Interact with the DOM, select and manipulate web elements, and add event listeners.

Gain expertise in advanced JavaScript topics, including objects, self-executing functions, protype, and method chaining.

Understand advanced JavaScript concepts like classes, module exports, private properties, and inheritance.

Develop a dynamic cards with the power of JavaScript.


Embark on a transformative journey into the world of web development with our comprehensive course, “HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript for Beginners: From Zero to Hero.” Designed for absolute beginners, this course is your gateway to mastering the fundamental building blocks of modern web design.

What You’ll Learn:

  • HTML5 Essentials: Dive into HTML5, the cornerstone of web development, and learn how to structure content for the web effectively.
  • CSS3 Styling: Explore the power of CSS3 to create visually stunning and responsive designs, making your websites stand out across devices.
  • JavaScript Basics: Gain a solid understanding of JavaScript and how to use it to add interactivity and dynamic features to your web pages.
  • Building a Strong Foundation: This course is more than just coding — it’s about building a strong foundation. Understand the principles of clean code, best practices, and the essential skills every web developer should have.
  • Practical Projects: Apply your newfound knowledge through hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. By the end of the course, you’ll have a portfolio showcasing your skills.

Why Enroll:

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“Building Your Foundation in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript” is not just a course; it’s your path from zero to hero in web development. Whether you’re looking to kickstart a career, launch your projects, or simply understand the magic behind the web, this course provides the essential skills and knowledge you need.

Join me now and start building your foundation in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Let’s turn your coding dreams into reality!”



HTML5 Introduction

Section Overview
Introduction to HTML5
HTML5 Tags
Tag’s Attributes
Favicon in HTML5 Webpage
History of HTML5
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Formatting

Section Overview
Different Formatting Tags
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Quotation

Section Overview
Blackquote Tag
Short Quotation Tag
Abbreviation Tag
Address Tag
Cite Tag
Bi-Directional Override Tag
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Hyperlinks

Section Overview
Internal Hyperlink
External Hyperlink
Email Hyperlink
Page Jump Hyperlink Or Bookmark Hyperlink
Link Attribute
Image as a Link
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Images

Section Overview
Images in HTML5
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Block Level & Inline Level

Section Overview
Block Level Tags
Inline Tags
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Table

Section Overview
Tables in HTML5
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Media

Section Overview
Media in HTML5
Video Tag
Audio Tag
Embedding YouTube Videos in HTML5 Webpage
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Forms

Section Overview
Forms & Its Attributes
Form Element
Different Input Types
Input Attributes
Section Conclusion

HTML5 Semantic Elements

Section Overview
Semantic Elements Part 1
Semantic Elements Part 2
Section Conclusion

Getting Started with CSS

Section Overview
Introduction to CSS
Types of CSS
Types of CSS Selectors
Section Conclusion

CSS Fundamentals

Section Overview
Box Model
Box Shadow
Border Radius
CSS Grid System
CSS Flexbox
Designing Table
Section Conclusion


Section Overview
Google Fonts
Custom Fonts
CSS Typography
Section Conclusion

Backgrounds & Images

Section Overview
Background Images
Linear Gradient Background
Radial Gradient
Conic Gradient
Making Transparent Background
Section Conclusion

Making a Single-Page Website – Project-1

Section Overview
Navigation Bar
Hero Section
About Section
Portfolio Section
Contact Section
Section Conclusion

Responsive Web Design

Section Overview
Making a Responsive Menu
Section Conclusion

CSS Transformation & Animation

Section Overview
CSS Transformation
CSS Transitions
CSS Animations
Section Conclusion

Advanced Topics & Libraries

Section Overview
Making Slider Using Cycle 2 JS Library
Making Lightbox Gallery using Lightbox 2 JS Library
Section Conclusion

Testing & Conclusion

Section Overview
Feature Detection
Chrome Inspect Element & Developer Tools
Section Conclusion

Make Another Single Page Website – Project-2

Making Another Single Page Website – Project-2

JavaScript Basics

Hello World JavaScript
JavaScript Engines
Variables & Data Types
Typeof and Operators Precedence

Conditional Statements

If Else Statement
Conditional Statement Example 1
Conditional Statement Example 2
Ternary Operator
Switch Case Statement

Advance Concepts

Coercion & Falsy Values
Basic Of Functions
Function as a Variable

Working with Data Structures

Introduction to Arrays
Fill & Filter Method Array
Slice & Splice Methods
Methods in Objects

Loops & Iterations

For Loop
While Loop
Do While Loop
Foreach Loop
For Of Loop
For in Loop

DOM Manipulation

What is DOM
Grab HTML Elements
Change HTML Elements
Get Computed Properties
DOM Events

Modern Features

Creating Objects
Better Code
Self Executing Anonymous Function
Template Literals
De-Structuring Data

Advance Topics

Class & Export Module
Getter & Setter

Evaluation and Other Material

Dom Events
Evaluation Quiz JavaScript