How To Increase Your Earnings As A Driver In America While Doing What You Already Do – Driving
What you will learn
Uncover the Hidden Secrets of the Location Data Industry
Maximize your Earnings While You Drive
Learn about UBI and how you can use it now
App to Boost your Monthly Revenue
Uber has stated that its drivers can earn $55,000 per year.
However, after a driver pays all their fees, insurance, and taxes, plus the costs for owning, maintaining, and cleaning their vehicle, their earnings will be substantially lower than the figure estimated by Uber.
Independent analysis shows that the hourly earnings of a typical Uber driver earns between $8.55 and $11.77 per hour.
Those figures will vary when influenced by the factors, such as the particular Uber service provided, Uberβs pricing schematics, and the number of hours worked in total by the driver.
Those numbers are quite a bit different.
The reality is that even full-time Uber drivers are at the mercy of market forces in this gig industry.
Not to mention, COVID-19 is decimating driver earnings.
On average rideshare income is down by over 80% since pandemic began.
As a result, many drivers are struggling to make ends meet and are at risk of not being able to cover staple expenses like car and insurance payments.
So in this course, we going to show you how to earn extra money by doing what you already do – driving.
By optimizing your time in the car to maximize your earning potential, you can make more money than drivers who do not.