Create your own memory palace … and memorise for 100 %.

What you will learn

You will get an awesome memory … super fast.

You will be able to recall 120 items (or more) for 100% in the right order – with only 20-30 minutes of fun work.

How to create your own Memory Palace.

To Be like Sherlock Holmes.

Why take this course?

How to get an awesome memory… super fast!

Studying can be slow, painful and missing impact.

There is no need for such struggles.

After this course – and a tiny bit of work – you will be able to recall 120 items (or more) for 100% in the right order (with only about 20-30 minutes memorisation), and you will be able to recall those items the day after, the week after, and the month after.

You will learn how to set up the method, and you will learn on how to start using this method such you can memorise 50, 100, 300 items or more … with ease.

It is a scalable method, and you will learn how to expand on this method such you can memorise more.

What you’ll get from this course:

  • A powerful way to memorise
    • Faster
    • Easier
    • More efficient
  • A clear instruction on how to set up and use this tool (by creating a memory palace).
  • A powerful impact on your next exams.

You will / have:

– Fast Impact (30 min): It will take you about 30 minutes to see actual results, and to get you launched for more.

– An Easy Journey: This short mini online course is set-up to be super easy to follow.

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– Be Like Sherlock Holmes: Using a Memory Palace is the way Sherlock Holmes stored information. Be like Sherlock.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

– 35 minutes of your time to go through this mini-course.

– About 15 minutes of your time to create your first own unique memory palace. This is something that can be done by having a short walk in your neighbourhood. This is just a one-time investment as you will be ready to apply the method immediately after that. It can also be created with pen and paper.

– As you will become good in this method, you might like to create multiple memory palaces or bigger ones (and that takes again a one-time investment), such you can store more information easily. It is a scalable method.

– No software is needed. Just pen and paper for note-keeping when creating your own unique memory palace.

Who this course is for:

– Students

– Anybody needing or wanting a solid and easy system to memorise a large amount of data fast and in the right order.

Enjoy !
