Political Branding

What you will learn

Understand the concepts of branding and rebranding

Recognize the difference between branding hard politics and soft politics

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of political branding

Understand the role of public relations in branding

Recognize the importance of political branding

Identify many branding concepts

Identify the elements of branding

Learn the process of branding

Ask the right questions to develop a good brand or rebrand


A brand is the “name, term, design, symbol, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from competitors” (Khan, 2009). It can be considered as a seller’s promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits, and services consistently to the buyers.

Brand, as a term, has become so popular. It is used not only for goods, services, corporations, organizations, and celebrities but also for cities, nations, and even private individuals.

With the boom of commercial marketing tools and techniques, political leaders are today treated just like brands!

This Political Branding program will assist you in creating and ‘selling’ a perfect political brand to the public.

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This program is composed of a theoretical and a practical part.

The theoretical part includes a brief introduction to the concept of branding and a detailed definition of political branding and rebranding, and numerous branding elements and concepts. Additionally, this part provides a detailed process to brand a political figure successfully.

The practical tools part offers you many must-ask questions that will help you develop an extraordinary political brand.

This program along with its case studies will be your perfect guide to brand successfully and lead effectively!



The Concept of Branding

The Concept of Branding

Defining Political Branding

Defining Political Branding

Branding Concepts

Branding Concepts

Branding of Political Figures

Branding of Political Figures

Branding Process

Branding Process



Workbook & References

Workbook & References