The Power of Turbomachinery!

What you will learn

Fundamentals of Aeronautics

Aircraft Engines: What are they, and How do they work?

Turbojet, turboprop, turboshaft, turbofan: What’s the difference?

A look inside an aircraft engine!


Aircraft engines are gas turbines and have been around for a long time, but how do they work? Find out here!

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I’ll use my experience and guide you from the very basics – temperature, pressure, etc – all the way to the details – looking inside an aircraft engine, and how to start one up!




Who am I?
What can you expect from this course?

Gas turbines: What, Why and Where

What is a Gas Turbine?
Why do we need Gas Turbines?
Where do we use Gas Turbines?

Basics of Aeronautics

Pressure, Density & Temperature
Four Forces of Aerospace
A Standard Day

Table fan to Turbofan: Aircraft engines!

How Do Aircraft Engines Work?
Turbojets, Turboprops, and Turbofans
Look Inside! – Parts of an Aircraft Engine
Off we go! – How to Start an Aircraft Engine?
Frank Whittle’s 1937 Turbojet Engine