Short summary course of High School Physics Space Flight Physics.
What you will learn
This in an INTRODUCTORY level course, written for high school leaving certificate students.
Please look through the preview materials before enrolling.
Summary of Gravity and Projectile Motion
Summary of the Physics of Orbiting Bodies
Introduction to Special Realativity.
Calculating Length, Time and Mass effects of relativistic speed
Implications of Special Relativity for Space Flight
Please check out the many preview lectures and lecture descriptions before you enroll.
IF in any doubt, do not enroll.
This course has been cut down from over 7 hours of video content to less than 2, in order to make it free on UDEMY.
This was done as the income from the course no longer justifies the extra expenses related to running a business for tax purposes.
All deleted videos are available on my You Tube channel, ‘John Moylan’
This is a a High School level Physics course, covering the Space topic from the old New South Wales Higher School Certificate course, and going beyond syllabus requirements in several places.Β The new syllabus, for which a course is in preparation, omits much of the material covered in this course.
The course starts starts with summaries covering the basic properties of gravity and gravitational fields, projectile motion and uniform circular motion, Kepler’s Laws, and Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation.
The majority of the considers Special Relativity.Β These lectures cover the historic understanding of the nature of light, and the development of the Theory of Special Relativity.Β The lectures cover Length, Time, and Mass effects of relativistic speed, and how to calculate these, as well as the implications of Special Relativity for Space Travel.
Concepts are explained simply, using illustrations where appropriate.Β The assumed level of ability and knowledge is reasonable levels of proficiency in junior high school level science and math.Β Leaving certificate (HSC) Physics is not an easy course, and is usually studied by higher ability students.Β Some of the concepts, especially in the final section of the course, Special Relativity, are complex.Β This is a high school level course, but one aimed at high ability leaving certificate students.
There is little assumed knowledge, apart from a general familiarity with science and math, such as that provided by junior (years 7 to 10) high school.Β This is a Senior High School Level course, it is an introduction to concepts such as gravity, projectile motion, orbital mechanics, how rockets work and relativity,