An Introduction to 12 Impactful Courses on New Ways You Can Beat Heart Disease

What you will learn

You will know exactly what potentially life-saving actions you can take if you experience heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.

You’ll gain confidence when meeting with your doctor and present him with a list of questions that you drafted up to obtain answers to your health concerns.

You’ll understand what a heart healthy diet is and use food log tools like Cronometer to gauge your protein, fat and carbohydrate ratios for optimal health.

In the preview to Module 2, you’ll learn how to find healthy food by sourcing locally produced products that are superior to large scale farming operations.

In the preview to Module 8, you’ll see how easy it is to inadvertently overdo sugar and carb consumption and be able to assess a food label in seconds.

In the preview to Module 11, you’ll learn how to gauge your exertion and avoid dangerous cardiovascular risks by tracking your heart rate and recovery time.

Watch the video on recognizing the signs of a heart attack and make a list that you can carry in your wallet or purse at all times. This could save your life.

When you visit your doctor you will take notes, or bring someone with you to do so, or audio record the visit and listen to it after to decide your next step.

Learn more about your health problem by watching YouTube videos from various experts, and read the individual comments too. Take notes and appropriate action.

You will have truly arrived when you share your HEARThrive knowledge with family members, friends and co-workers. Now you’re helping and influencing them!


HEARThrive Module 0 is an introductory free course that introduces you to the HEARThrive “brand,” so to speak. You will get a taste of the content, the layout, and the instructor’s style. This will help you determine whether you wish to watch any or all of the subsequent 12 modules, all FREE by the way (to be available on Udemy). Each module will focus on a new health strategy to help you prevent or minimize the risk of getting heart disease or other significant chronic diseases. Module 1 describes the best routine blood tests to get to monitor heart disease risk. Module 2 explains how a proper diet can help keep heart disease away. Cholesterol and statin drugs, used to lower cholesterol, are the focus of Module 3. Exercise plays a role in heart health, and that’s covered in Module 4. Vitamins and supplements are controversial, but some well-selected choices could be beneficial, as explained in Module 5. Did you know there is a simple and safe procedure called a calcium scan that can tell you immediately about your heart disease risk? That and other diagnostic procedures are described in Module 6. If you are taking prescription drugs, pay special attention to Module 7. Certain aspects of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s are related and you could learn to tackle all three at once when you watch Module 8. Chronic inflammation contributes to the incidence of heart disease and your gut health, we are learning, may be involved in the process, as you’ll see in Module 9. How big a role do your genes play in heart disease? Look for answers in Module 10. Stress and aging well is the focus of Module 11 and you’ll discover you have a lot of personal control here. Finally, in Module 12, you will understand how hormones, toxins and your environment impact your risk of heart disease.

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Introduction – Your Mission

Medical Disclaimer
8 Ways HEARThrive Distinguishes Itself
What is a Heart Attack Anyway?
Take Action
Let’s Get stHEARTed!

Humor or Thought

Criticism – Aristotle Nailed It
Trimming the Roast
The Power of N of 1
A Doctor’s Visit

NOKAFS (No One Knows Anything For Sure)

What is NOKAFS?
NOKAFS – A Personal Story
Keep an Open Mind
NOKAFS Preview from Module 3 – Opposite Opinions from Two Cardiologists

Me and My Twin

Me and My Twin – Quick Overview
You Can Learn from Me and My Twin

Stories From the Heart

Experience the Impact of Heartfelt Stories
Malcolm’s Personal Heart Disease Story

Step-By-Step What To Do

Step-By-Step – What You Will Learn
Step-By Step – Modules 1 – 12 – Key Points
Step-By-Step Preview from Module 2 – Make Healthy Food Choices
Step-By-Step Preview from Module 8 – Cut Down Your Sugar and Carbs
Step-By-Step Preview from Module 11 – Avoid Taking Risks

Summary of Module 0

Recap of What You Learned in this Module

Coming Up Next

Brief overview of what is coming up in the next module of HEARThrive

Transcendence – Yes You Can Do It!

What is Transcendence?
Health Transformation – It’s Your Choice
There is Always Hope

30-Day TFA – Just Do It

30-Day TFA: Think – Feel – Act
30-Day TFA: It’s Up To You
30-Day TFA: Read This For 30 Days
30-Day TFA: Read This For 30 Days