Health Happy and Wise Introductory Course
Learn about the 6 keys to living your best life; Manage Stress, Happiness, Movement, Nutrition, Attitude and Sleep

What you will learn

You will learn about the 6 keys to living the best life you can for as long as you can. Managing stress, happiness, movement, attitude, nutrition, sleep

You will understand about the inextricable link between the mind and the body and why all 6 keys are important for a healthy, happy and wise life

5 tips to help with managing stress

5 tips to help you be happier

You will learn 5 tips for getting moving and improving your physical health

5 tips to develop a positive attitude

5 tips to improve your nutrition

5 tips to help you sleep better

This is a taster session for the Healthy Happy and Wise full course, by the end of this course you will know if you want to invest time in the full programme

The final video is a Guided Relaxation, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, with music by Paul Smail


This free introductory course is a taster session for The Healthy Happy and Wise programme, which is designed to help you to live the best life you can for as long as you can.

It helps you build resilience and teaches you ways to cope with the challenges that life inevitably throws upon us.

It is ‘person centred’ rather than ‘disease centred’ and is based upon the premise that the mind and body are interconnected and not separate entities. We call this Mind Body Medicine.
Your instructor is Dr Sheila Popert, a Palliative Medicine Consultant with over 30 years’ experience of helping people manage pain and other symptoms without always relying on drugs. In this free introductory course, you will find out about the Six Keys to becoming Healthy, Happy and Wise and 5 techniques to improve your handle on each one; Managing Stress, Happiness, Movement, Attitude, Nutrition and Sleep.

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There is about 1 hour of video content. The 15 video lectures are all 2 to 4 minutes long, you can choose to watch them at your own pace, one or two at a time, or all in one sitting. You will derive the most benefit if you pick some of the techniques to practice daily.

The course finishes with a 12-minute guided relaxation, narrated by David Attenborough.
I hope you enjoy it.




Why Healthy Happy and Wise?

The Six Keys to a Healthy, Happy and Wise life

The six keys and how they are interconnected
The six keys tracker

The Master Key – Managing stress

What is stress?
5 tips for managing stress

Optimal Breathing

The 3:1:5 technique
The elephant and the hippopotamus

The other 5 keys to becoming Healthy, Happy and Wise



Guided Relaxation