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GCP ACE (Google Cloud Platform Certified Associate Cloud Engineer) Practice Exams with clear explanation {Un-official}

What you will learn

Prepare for ACE exam

Clear concepts with explaination to the questions

Knowledge of exam like questions scenarios

Pass the exam with confidance


Note: This is unofficial practice exam and in no way affiliated/endorsed by official Google Certification body.

This Practice exam is created to test the students with real-like exam questions, making them confident enough to take on the exam and be successful in the exam , along with providing clear concepts with detailed explanations.

  • Associate Cloud Engineers deploy applications, monitorย  operations, and manageย enterprise solutions. They use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.

    The Associate Cloud Engineer exam assesses your ability to:

  • Set up a cloud solution environment
  • Plan and configure a cloud solution
  • Deploy and implement a cloud solution
  • Ensure the successful operation of a cloud solution
  • Configure access and security

EXAM Details:

Length: 2 hours

Registration fee: $125 (plus tax where applicable)

Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese

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Exam format: 50-60 multiple choice and multiple selectย  questions

The Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification exam is designed for individuals who are interested in demonstrating their knowledge of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products and services. The exam validates the candidate’s ability to deploy applications, monitor operations, and manage enterprise solutions using GCP.

The ACE exam is a computer-based exam that consists of multiple-choice questions and must be taken at an authorized testing center. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including cloud computing concepts, GCP core infrastructure, GCP networking, GCP security, GCP application services, and managing GCP resources.

To prepare for the exam, Google Cloud offers several resources, including online training courses, documentation, and hands-on labs. Candidates can also use third-party study materials, such as practice exams and study guides, to help them prepare for the exam.

Passing the ACE exam demonstrates that the candidate has the skills and knowledge required to deploy and manage applications on GCP, making them a valuable asset to any organization looking to leverage cloud technologies.

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