• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Learn the basics of GIT in two hours

What you will learn

Understand the basics of version control with GIT

Create a new GIT repository

Create the first commits with GIT

Work with branches in GIT

Understand merge rebase and cherry-pick in GIT

Work with multiple repositories in GIT


GIT is one of the most common version control tools, which is used all around the software industry. If you ever worked in a professional software development project or on an open-source project, you most likely already learned about GIT. It is a tool used all around the world. It’s popular due to its flexibility. It is really an advantage to have a good knowledge of GIT.

This course provides a brief overview on the basics of version control with GIT and some practical exercises where you can test your knowledge yourself. In two hours you can gain a usable knowledge in the topic!

It covers the main idea of version control system and git. You can learn the basics of GIT, like what is a commit in fact or how do repositories and branches work. Without this knowledge you wouldn’t be able to resolve challenges in GIT. You also learn the idea of merging, rebasing and cherry-picking and the main differences between them.

You also learn some tips and trick about how to avoid and resolve conflicts or what are the possible integration strategies with GIT.

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You can also challenge yourself with the two practical exercises provided to the course.

The course is built upon the book A practical guide to version control with GIT.



Introduce myself
What will you learn during this course?
Introduction to version control
Introduction to GIT
First steps with GIT
Install GIT
Create a repository
Clone a repository
Introduction to staged area
Create your first commit
What is a GIT commit in fact?
What does a good commit look like?
Test your knowledge
How to handle branches with GIT?
What are branches in GIT?
How to manage branches?
How to rebase a branch?
How to merge branches?
How to cherry-pick a commit?
How to resolve conflicts?
Test your knowledge
Practical exercise 1 – Add commits and branches to a repository
The exercise
The solution
Using GIT with multiple repositories
Pull and push in theory
Pull and push in practice
Git integration strategies
Test your knowledge
Practical exercise 2 – Pull and push
The exercise
The solution
What have you already learned?
Next steps with GIT