Learn how to create UI layout automation tests using Galen within Java Selenium Cucumber framework – Jasecu

What you will learn

you will learn create UI layout tests using Galen. We will use Galen out of the box implementation within Jasecu automation framework

Why take this course?

🚀 **Master UI Layout Automation Testing with Galen & Java Selenium Cucumber!** 🎓**Course Title:** Galen UI LAYOUT Automation Testing with Cucumber & Java 🚀

**Headline:** Learn how to create UI layout automation tests using **Galen** within the **Java Selenium Cucumber framework – Jasecu** 🛠️🎨

Welcome to a comprehensive learning journey where you will master the art of UI layout automation testing using **Galen** in conjunction with Java, Selenium, and Cucumber within the powerful Jasecu framework!

**Course Overview:**

This course is designed for software developers, test engineers, and QA professionals who aspire to enhance their automation testing skills. It is an advanced follow-up to our **free Udemy course:**

Cucumber & Java & Selenium automation framework – JASECU

🔗 Find the free course and set up your environment on Udemy at: [course/jasecu-ui-api-automation-framework](https://www.udemy.com/course/jasecu-ui-api-automation-framework/)

**Essential Preparation:**

Before diving into this course, it is crucial that you complete the prerequisite:

– **Cucumber & Java & Selenium automation framework – JASECU**

This will equip you with the foundational knowledge required to leverage Galen within the Jasecu Framework effectively. The exact link to this course can be found in the Description, Note, and in the attached text file of **Lecture no. 1, Section no. 1** of our “Galen – UI LAYOUT automation testing” course!

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**What You Will Learn:**

– **Galen Fundamentals:** Grasp the core concepts of layout testing and understand how Galen is integrated within the Jasecu framework.
– **Jasecu Framework Deep Dive:** Gain a comprehensive understanding of running scenarios that include Galen steps from IntelliJ IDEA and Jenkins.
– **Practical Application:** Learn to create `gspec` files for your project and author layout verifications within them.
– **Environment Setup:** Configure your local development environment and CI pipeline to support Galen tests with Jasecu.
– **Real-world Implementation:** Apply your new skills to real-world UI layout testing scenarios, ensuring that your application’s interface adheres to the desired layout specifications.

**Course Structure:**

1. **Introduction to UI Layout Automation Testing with Galen**
– Understanding the importance of layout testing in modern software development.
– Overview of Galen and its role within the Jasecu framework.

2. **Setting Up Your Local Environment & CI Pipeline**
– Step-by-step guide to installing necessary tools and libraries.
– Configuring your Jenkins pipeline for continuous integration of Galen tests.

3. **Authoring Galen ‘gspec’ Files**
– Writing clear and maintainable layout verification rules in `gspec` files.
– Tips and best practices for authoring Galen scenarios.

4. **Running Galen Tests with Jasecu**
– Executing Galen steps from IntelliJ IDEA.
– Troubleshooting common issues and optimizing test performance.

5. **Best Practices & Advanced Tips**
– Strategies for maintaining scalable and sustainable UI layout tests.
– Advanced techniques to handle complex layouts and responsive designs.

**Why This Course?**

By the end of this course, you will not only have a solid understanding of Galen within the Jasecu framework but also be able to confidently create, maintain, and run UI layout automation tests that ensure your applications’ interfaces are consistent and correct across various environments.

Join us on this journey to elevate your testing skills with Galen and Jasecu! 🛠️🧙‍♂️

**Enroll Now and Transform Your Testing Capabilities!** 🎓✨

Don’t forget to complete the prerequisite course to get the most out of this advanced training. See you inside the course, where your UI layout automation testing journey begins!
