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Prepare for the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Part 2 certification exam and pass the exam in one go

What you will learn

In this course, students will gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of Financial Risk Management (FRM) Part 2.

Risk management, market risk measurement, credit risk assessment, liquidity and treasury risk, operational risk, investment management, and current issues

Understanding parametric and non-parametric estimation approaches. Mastery of Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk (VaR) mapping techniques.

Exploring correlation basics and modeling, including risk matrix and hedging strategies. Examining term structure models, volatility smiles, and internal model

Analyzing credit analysis, economic capital calculation, and rating assignment. Exploring credit derivatives, counterparty risk, risk mitigation techniques.

Understanding the role of rating agencies and the methodologies behind borrower ratings.

Examining the intricacies of creditworthiness and the evolution of stress testing.

Developing an understanding of liquidity risk and treasury management. Analyzing investment security portfolios and strategies for managing liquidity risk.

Exploring stress testing, contingency funding planning, and regulatory changes in liquidity risk.

Gaining insights into risk monitoring, performance measurement, and risk planning.

Exploring hedge funds, mutual funds, asset pricing anomalies, and portfolio performance evaluation.

Staying updated on contemporary challenges and opportunities in financial markets.

Analyzing blockchain technology, fintech developments, big data, and machine learning in finance.

Understanding the implications and considerations of current trends in the financial industry.

Developing proficiency in operational risk management. Understanding the components of enterprise risk management (ERM) and risk culture in banking.

Analyzing model risk management, stress testing, and the impact of outsourcing on operational risk.

Applying acquired knowledge through mock paper solving sessions.

Gaining strategic insights and tips for effectively tackling the FRM Level 2 exam.

Overall, students will emerge from the course equipped with a comprehensive understanding of financial risk management


In the training program on financial risk management, individuals will learn core concepts of financial risk management that are going to be an important aspect of clearing the FRM Level 2 examination offered by GARP. Some of the concept that is going to be covered in this training program market risk management and measurement, credit risk measurement, and management, risk management, investment management, understanding of financial markets, operational risk management, integrated risk management, concept and understanding about futures, understanding about options, hedging, speculation, arbitrage, futures markets, understanding about margins, risk mapping, discount rate selection, vitality, term structure models of interest rates, modeling dependence, correlations, and copulas, parametric and nonparametric methods of estimation etc. The training program is a one-stop solution for all the professionals who are looking forward to learning the concept of financial risk management and want to clear the examination of it.

The ultimate goal of this financial risk management training program of level 2 examination is to make individuals and professionals well was about the core concepts of financial risk management that are going to come examination of financial risk management. with the help of this training program of Level 2 examination of financial risk management, individuals would be able to get an understanding of the examination structure that will help them in clearing the examination easily.

What is FRM Level 2 Prep Course?

The training program on FRM level 2 course is designed by keeping in mind all the requirements of all the financial analyst and professionals who are looking forward to developing their career in the field of Financial risk management program which is bringing one of the most prestigious opportunities and growth areas for all the financial professionals all over the globe. the participants will learn about WhatsApp things and topics that are going to be a game-changing point for all the professionals and is going to help them in their career too.

The FRM level 2 examination training is very comprehensive that we provide an in-depth overview of all the concepts that are going to play a crucial role in passing out level 2 examination of Financial risk manager. With this training program, all the participants would be able to understand the structure of the examination and can also get an understanding of all the four topics that comprise most of the examination questions in the Financial risk manager examination.

What skills will you learn in this Course?

The FRM Level 2 Prep course is designed by keeping in mind all the requirements of all the financial analyst and professionals who are looking forward to developing their career in the field of Financial risk management program which is bringing one of the most prestigious opportunities and growth areas for all the financial professionals all over the globe. the participants will learn about things and topics that are going to be a game-changing point for all the professionals and is going to help them in their career too.

In the training program on financial risk management, individuals will learn core concepts of financial risk management that are going to be an important aspect of clearing the examination. Some of the concept that is going to be covered in this training program market risk management and measurement, credit risk measurement, credit risk measurement and management, risk management, investment management, understanding of financial markets, operational risk management, integrated risk management, concept and understanding about futures, understanding about options, hedging, speculation, arbitrage, futures markets, understanding about margins, risk mapping, discount rate selection, vitality, term structure models of interest rates, modeling dependence, correlations, and copulas, parametric and nonparametric methods of estimation etc.the training program is a one-stop solution for all the professionals were looking forward to learning the concept of financial risk management and want to clear the examination of it.

The FRM level 2 Prep Course is very comprehensive that we provide an in-depth overview of all the concepts that are going to play a crucial role in passing out level 2 examination of the Financial risk manager. With this training program, all the participants would be able to understand the structure of the examination and can also get an understanding of all the topics that comprise most of the examination questions in the Financial risk manager examination.

Here’s a breakdown of the FRM Part 2 Exam topics and their weightage:

Market Risk Measurement and Management – 20%

Credit Risk Measurement and Management – 20%

Operational Risk and Resiliency – 20%

Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management – 15%

Risk Management and Investment Management – 15%

Current Issues in Financial Markets – 10%

In this course, we will be learning the followings in a section-wise manners:

Section 1: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 1 – Market Risk Measurement and Management (20%)

Introduction to Course

This section initiates with an overview of the entire course, outlining its objectives and providing a roadmap for the subsequent topics.

Learning Objective

Focuses on clarifying the learning objectives for the section, helping students understand the key knowledge and skills they will gain throughout the Market Risk Measurement and Management part of the course.

Market Risk Measurement Techniques (Lecture 3-42)

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Covers various market risk measurement approaches, including parametric and non-parametric estimation, Expected Shortfall, VaR Mapping, correlation basics, modeling, term structure models, volatility smiles, and internal model approaches.

Risk Matrix, Hedging, and Credit Risk Measurement (Lecture 43-105)

Explores risk matrix and hedging strategies, providing a comprehensive understanding. It then seamlessly transitions into Credit Risk Measurement, encompassing topics like credit analysis, economic capital calculation, rating assignment, and credit derivatives.

Section 2: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 2 – Credit Risk Measurement and Management (20%)

Counterparty Risk, Rating Systems, and Credit Derivatives (Lecture 106-147)

Delves deep into counterparty risk, exploring various dimensions and transaction types. Covers rating systems, methodologies of rating agencies, and different approaches to credit risk measurement. The series of lectures on credit derivatives provides a thorough understanding of these financial instruments.

Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management (Lecture 148-209)

Begins with an introduction to liquidity risk and treasury management. Covers aspects such as investment security portfolios, liquidity needs estimation, and stress testing. The section explores various strategies for managing liquidity risk.

Section 3: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 4 – Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management (15%)

(Lecture 159-181)

Initiates with an introduction to liquidity risk and treasury management, addressing historical cases such as Northern Rock Bank and discussing supervisory guidelines and investment security portfolios.

Section 4: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 5 – Risk Management and Investment Management (15%)

(Lecture 182-211)

Introduces the course, covering liquid assets, risk monitoring, and performance measurement. Explores hedge funds, mutual funds, anomalies in asset pricing, risk planning, and portfolio performance evaluation.

Section 5: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 6 – Current Issues in Financial Markets (10%)

(Lecture 215-243)

Addresses current issues in financial markets, including blockchain technology, fintech, big data, machine learning, and various economic scenarios. Discusses the implications and considerations of these issues.

Section 6: FRM Part 2 – BOOK 3 – Operational Risk and Resiliency

(Lecture 278-346)

This section explores operational risk management, risk culture in banking, enterprise risk management components, model risk management, stress testing, and the impact of outsourcing on third-party service providers.

Section 7: FRM Level 2 Mock Paper Solving and Strategies

(Lecture 349-366)

Prepares students for the FRM Level 2 exam by providing mock paper solving sessions and strategic insights to enhance their exam-taking skills.



FRM Part 2 – BOOK 1 – Market Risk Measurement and Management (20%)

Introduction to Course
Learning Objective
Paramedic Estimation Approaches
Example 1
Expected Shortfall
Non-Paramedic Approaches
Two-Non-Paramedic Approaches
Back testing VaR
Back testing VaR Continue
VaR Mapping
VaR Mapping Continue
Academic literature
Correlation Basics Part 1
Correlation Basics Part 2
Correlation Basics Part 3
Correlation Basics Part 4
Empirical Properties of Correlation
Correlation Modelling
Risk Matrix and Hedging Part 1
Risk Matrix and Hedging Part 2
Risk Matrix and Hedging Part 3
Science of Term Structure Models Part 1
Science of Term Structure Models Part 2
Science of Term Structure Models Part 3
Science of Term Structure Models Part 4
Science of Term Structure Models Part 5
Science of Term Structure Models Part 6
Science of Term Structure Models Part 7
Parametric EVT
Basis of Future Interest Rate
Interest Rate Volatility
Example of Demonstrate Jensen’s Inequality
Model 1 and Model 2 Effectiveness
Term Structure Model with No Drift
Arbitrage Free Model and Equilibrium Models
Vacisek Model
Time Depent Volatility
Lognormal Model
Put Call Parity
Example of Put Call Parity
Volatility Smiles
Volatility Smiles for Equity Options
Volatility Term Strucre
History of Trading Book
Revised Internal Model Approach
Solving Trading and Banking Book Issue

FRM Part 2 – BOOK 2 – Credit Risk Measurement and Management (20%)

Introduction to FRM Level II
Overview of Credit Analysis
Quant Measurement
EL Calcuation
Bank Insolvency
Introduction to Credit Analyst
Universe of Credit Risk
Credit Analyst Role
Bank Credit Risk Tasks
Bank Credit Risk Skills
Sources of Information
Audit Report
Camel Framework for Bank Credit Risk
Concept of Economic Capital
Important Factors for Economic Capital Calcualtion
Introduction to Capital Structure in Banks
Quantifying UL and EL
Risk Contribution
Translation of UL in EC
Introduction to Counterparty Risk
Concept of Counterparty Risk
Transactions involving Counterparty Risk
Security Financing Transaction
Counterparty Risk Terminology
Managing Counterparty Risk
Topic Objective
Probability of Default
Exposure Amount
Expected Loss
UnExpected Loss
Portfolio EL and UL
Economic Capital for Credit Risk
Introduction to Rating Assignment
Rating System
Different Approaches
Rating Migration Matrix
Rating Agencies Methodologies
Borrower Rationg
Structural and Reduced form Approaches
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Logit Regression Model
Cash Flow Simulation Model
Counterparty Risk-Topic Objective
Transaction with Counterparty Risk
Repos and Resrve Repos
Securities Borrowing and Lending
Institution that Take on Counterparty Risk
Netting and Close-Out Procedure
Netting and Close-Out Procedure Continue
Netting and Close-Out Multiple Procedure
Termination Features
Wrong-Way Risk
Wrong-Way Risk Continue
Collateral Agreement Risk
Collateral Agreement Risk Continue
More on Collateral Agreement Risk
Securitization and Credit Risk Mitigation
Flaws in Securitization and Credit Risk Mitigation
Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques
Originate to Distribute Model of Credit Risk
Credit Derivatives Part 1
Credit Derivatives Part 2
Credit Derivatives Part 3
Credit Derivatives Part 4
Collateral Management
Types of Collateral
Collateral Features
CSA Agreement
Collateral Agreement Risk
Introduction to Counterparty Risk Intermediation
Special Purpose Vehicle
Central Counterparty
CCP Risk Management Process
CCp Advantages and Disadvantages
Retail Banking Risk
Reputation Risk
Credit Risk Scoring Models
Tradeoff Between Creditworthiness and Profitability
The Evolution of Stress
Counterparty Credit Risk
Stress Testing
Stress Testing Continue
Credit Value Adjustment
Credit Value Adjustment Continue
Credit Portfolio and Credit Var
Credit Var with Copulas
Credit Var with Copulas Continue
Introduction to Securitization
Securitization Process
Cash Waterfall Process
Master Trust Structure
Securitization Benefits
Credit Enhancement
Performance Measure for Securitization Structures
Securitization Structure Ratios
Frictions in Subprime Mortage Securitization
Frictions in Subprime Mortage Securitization Continue
Merton Model
Credit Spreads
Important Tables
Credit Derivatives
Spread Convention
Structured Products
Impact of Probability
Credit Exposure Metrics
PFE Impact on Different Products
Excel Session
Excel Session Continue

FRM Part 2 – BOOK 4 – Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management 15%

Introduction to Liquidity Risk and Treasury Management
Northern Rock Bank
Traders Risk and Leverage
Fragility of Commercial Banking
Supervisory Guidelines
Supervisory Guidelines Continue
Function of Investment Security Portfolio
Money Market and Capital Market Instrument
Investment Maturity Strategy
Investment Maturity Strategy Continue
Net Liquidity Position
Estimating Liquidity Needs
Structure of Funds Approach
Liquidity Indicator Approach
Signals from Marketplace Approach
Intraday Liquidity
Governance of Intraday Liquidity
Monitoring Liquidity
Dealer Banks
Dealer Banks Continue
Liquidity Stress Testing and Reporting
Liquidity Stress Testing and Reporting Continue
Contingency Funding Planning

FRM Part 2 – BOOK 5 – Risk Management and Investment Management (15%)

Introduction to Course
Liquid Assets
Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement
Introduction to Hedge Fund
Mutual Funds
Characteristics of Hedge Funds
Evolution of the Hedge Fund Industry
Hedge Fund Performance
Risk Sharing Asymmetry
Managed Future Funds
Long -Short Equity Funds
Illiquid Assets Markets
Imperfection that Encourages Illiquidity
Illiquid Assets Return Biases
Illiquid Assets Premiums
Past Funds Failures
Due Diligence Elements
Manager Evaluation
Risk Management Evaluation
Operational Due Diligence
Due Diligence Questionnaire
Low-Risk Anomaly
Factor Regression and Portfolio Sensitivity
Volatility and Beta Anomalies
Asset Price and the CAPM
Implications of Using the CAPM
Shortcomings of the CAPM
Multifactor Model
Transaction Costs
Portfolio Revisions and Rebalancing
Diversified and Undiversified
Risk Planning
Portfolio Performance Evaluation

FRM Part 2 – BOOK 6 – Current Issues in Financial Markets (10%)

Introduction to Current Issues in Financial Markets
Block chain Technology Basics
Opportunities and Challenges
Current Direction of Applications
Technological Development
Selected Financial of Big Tech Firms
Key point
Rapid Growth of Fintech Credit
Vertical Uses a Logarithmic Scale
Overview of the Five Scenario
Overview of the Five Scenario Continue
Implication and Considerations
Money Trees
Adoption of E-Money Part 1
Adoption of E-Money Part 2
Adoption of E-Money Part 3
Big Data
Big Data Continue
Classification and Regression Trees
Random Forest
Economic Example-Growth Regression
Effect on Adverting on Sales
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Use Cases
Use Cases Continue
Deposits Transaction
Deposits Non Transaction
Deposit Services
Non-Deposits Liabilities Part 1
Non-Deposits Liabilities Part 2
Non-Deposits Liabilities Part 3
Non-Deposits Liabilities Part 4
Non-Deposits Liabilities Part 5
Repo Financing Part 1
Repo Financing Part 2
Repo Financing Part 3
Repo Financing Part 4
Global Financial Crisis
Global Financial Crisis Continue
Pricing Liquidity
Liquidity Transfer Pricing
Bank International Positions
Bank International Positions Continue
Bank Global Balance Sheet
Global USD Shortage
Used Shortage in Global Banking
Illiquid Assets Part 1
Illiquid Assets Part 2
Illiquid Assets Part 3
Illiquid Assets Part 4
Illiquid Assets Part 5
Determination of Exchange Rate
Interest Rate Parity Theorem
Covered Interest Rate Parity
Covered Interest Rate Parity Continue
Evolution of ALM Strategies
Yield Curve
Interest Sensitive Gap Management
Duration and Convexity

FRM Part 2 – BOOK 3 – Operational Risk and Resiliency

Introduction to Course
Operational Risk Management
Creating Value with ERM
Creating Value with ERM Continue
Managing Risk in Silos
Benefits of ERM
Components of ERM
Risk Appetite Framework
Challenges of RAF
Risk Appetite Statement and Metrics
Elements of a Unique Bank Culture
2015 Recommendations
A Permanent Mindset Change
Risk Culture in Banking
Risk Culture in Banking Continue
Categories of Operational Risk Events
Collecting and Reporting Internal Loss Data
Controlling and Assessing Opertinal Risk
Organizational Structure for Risk Governance
Model Risk Management
Model Risk Management Continue
Poor Data Quality and Data Error
Acceptable Data
Model Validation Part 1
Model Validation Part 2
Model Validation Part 3
Model Risk
Variability of Var Estimates
Economic Capital vs Regulatory Capital
Example-Commercial Loan Portfolio
RAROC for Performance Measurement
Adjusted RAROC
Defining Risk Measures
Qualitative and Quantitative Validation Process
Evaluating Counterparty Credit Risk
Capital Adequacy Process
Capital Adequacy Process Continue
Stress Testing Banks Part 1
Stress Testing Banks Part 2
Stress Testing Banks Part 3
Risk of Outsourcing to TPSP
TPRM Program
Money Laundering
Financing of Terrorism
Financing of Terrorism Continue
Clearing in OTC Markets
Post Crisis Regulatory Changes
Impact of the Changes
Before the Global Financial Crisis
Before the Global Financial Crisis Continue
More on Before the Global Financial Crisis
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital
Tier Asset
Basel 2.5
Capital Requirement
Regullatory Capital
Contingent Convertible Bonds
Standardized Approach for Credit Risk
Operational Risk Framwork
Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational
The Internal Loss Multiplier
Changing Approaches to Risk Management
Resilience Engineering
Financial Resilience
Cyber Resilience
Supervising Financial Market Infrastructures
Operational Resilience of Business Services
Regullatory Testing of Resilience
Improving Operational Resilience
Drivers of Exposure to Disruption
Characteristics of Operational Resilieence

FRM Level 2 Mock Paper Solving and Strategies

Introduction to Course
Book 1 Part 1
Book 1 Part 2
Book 1 Part 3
Book 1 Part 4
Book 2 Part 1
Book 2 Part 2
Book 2 Part 3
Book 3 Part 1
Book 3 Part 2
Book 3 Part 3
Book 4 Part 1
Book 4 Part 2
Book 4 Part 3
Book 5 Part 1
Book 5 Part 2
Book 6 Part 1
Book 6 Part 2