Learn WordPress Website Designing Start To End

What you will learn

Learn WordPress from start to end.

Purchasing domain and hosting & connecting to WordPress

Publishing blog & website as well

Why take this course?

🌟 **Master WordPress Website Design 🚀**🚀 **Course Overview:**
Are you eager to dive into the world of website design but feel overwhelmed by code? Fear not! Our *Free WordPress Website Designing Beginners Course* is tailored for individuals with little to no technical expertise. Say goodbye to the intimidating realm of coding and hello to a user-friendly, intuitive approach to designing stunning WordPress sites – either for yourself or your clients.

🎓 **What You’ll Learn:**
– 🏗️ Master the entire WordPress framework from A to Z.
– 🚀 Understand the ins and outs of building a scalable and flexible theme.
– 🛠️ Explore add-on theme plugins for enhanced functionality.
– ✨ Discover relevant functional and compatible plugins that will make your site pop.

👀 **Hands-On Experience:**
– 🌐 Construct a complete website to captivate your target audience right off the bat.
– 📝 Create engaging posts with SEO elements to boost your online visibility.
– 💌 Turn visitors into loyal subscribers with effective design and content strategies.

🧠 **Theory & Practical Application:**
This course combines all theoretical teachings with practical hands-on tutorials, ensuring you walk away with both the knowledge and the skills to design a WordPress website from scratch.

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🤔 **WordPress: The Basics:**
WordPress is an incredibly versatile content management system (CMS) that enables you to create websites that are customizable for virtually any kind of business, personal blog, portfolio, or online storefront.

🛎️ **WordPress dot org vs WordPress dot com:**
– **WordPress dot org** offers full control over your website with the freedom to customize and tweak it as you wish. However, with great power comes great responsibility – from setting up your domain and hosting to managing your website’s security.
– **WordPress dot com** is the hassle-free option that manages much of the technical stuff for you. With a range of customization options available, it’s perfect for those who want a professional-looking site without the complexity.

🤔 **Choosing Your Platform:**
When deciding between WordPress dot org and WordPress dot com, consider your level of comfort with managing a website, your budget, and how much control you want over the design and functionality of your site. Both have their pros and cons, and the right choice for you will depend on your specific needs and goals.

👩‍💻 **Who Is This Course For?**
– Beginners looking to enter the world of website design.
– Entrepreneurs or freelancers who want to offer web design services.
– Business owners seeking to enhance their online presence.
– Anyone interested in learning how to create and manage a WordPress site effectively.

Join us now and embark on your journey to becoming a WordPress website design expert! 🌐✨
