• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Follower Leadership is the World’s New Solution
Apostle Sunny brings apt new perspectives, redefines leadership, shows clues in wow spaces, births new breed of leaders

What you will learn

Discover that great leadership is very easy to deliver.

Identify why previous leadership courses and trainings have hardly helped leadership development.

Identify amazingly easy tools in nature and use them to drive profitability and productivity.

Uncover simple rules to deliver effective leadership during pandemics and crisis.

Define multiple examples of what leadership truly is.

Define the roles and responsibilities of follower-leaders.

Estimate the connection between audacious communications and ever-increasing revenue.

Understand that great leaders are like efficient machines.


I have run multiple polls on LinkedIn every week for a few years now – many cover leadership topics and issues, and I can tell you for a fact that about 70% of employees/citizens are dissatisfied with their leaders. Why are good leaders so scarce? You see, many who lead today, were poor followers yesterday and a poor follower cannot become a good leader. Additionally, many who occupy leadership roles today are poor followers – yes, leaders must be followers too even while they lead. One grave error today is that many who lead think that they do not have to follow anyone and that’s one of the real reasons why they fail!

Under the above circumstances, there is only one solution for the world – follower leaders; that is why FOLLOWER LEADERSHIP IS THE WORLD’S NEW SOLUTION.

Further, some of my fellow leadership experts have made learning about leadership such a hard thing because most leadership courses and trainings are not designed to train or teach but designed to show that the expert knows leadership – coaching to show people that you know leadership and coaching to show people leadership, are very different operations. This is another reason why follower leadership was born – to show that great leadership and learning about how to do it, is not complicated but simple.

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Apostle Sunny




Introduction – Why many fail in leadership & the solution
The biggest physical problem in the world today is poor leadership
Why do we need follower leadership?
The problem with many leadership courses and trainings
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How can follower leadership help leaders?
On a mission to show that great leadership is not complicated but simple
The 5 fingers leadership exercise shows the power of team work
Introduction – Follow to lead to achieve great success

MODULE 1- Audacious Leadership Announcements and Communications

Inspirational Announcements and Communications Generate Genuine Followers
Who is a leader and what is leadership?
You can’t be a good leader if you don’t know how good followers think.
8 things about audacity and leadership success
The teamwork of trees for follower leadership
5 Negative characters that you must manage in your teams
Negative traits to manage out of your teams

MODULE 2: Brilliant Minds & Coaching Games

Coaching in leadership
Disagreeing with the popular definition of coaching
Brilliance redefined.
The importance of asking questions
Qualities of brilliant leaders
Observe as children and implement as adults

MODULE 3: Cautious Negotiations

Reckless decisions made yesterday cause endless heartaches today
The good few of follower leadership
10 reasons why caution is an important trait for follower leaders
Developing the principle of caution
Cautiousness is not sluggishness

MODULE 4: Effective Delegation Imprisons Micromanagement

Why so many managers sadly micromanage
Delegation authorization in follower leadership
Disabled Organizations – Products of micromanagement
Disabled Organizations abound because of absence of delegation authorization
Why and how to delegate by seeing your organization as a living being
Follower leadership is about seeing your organization as parts of the human body

MODULE 5 Efficiency, Motivation & Goal Setting

Follower leaders are efficient machines
7 obstacles that efficient machines must constantly conquer

MODULE 6: Leaders Birth Networks by Generosity

Stingy people cannot be good leaders because leading is giving
Many in leadership positions in governments are not follower leaders

MODULE 7: Uniqueness Drives Productivity

Your uniqueness impacts on project deliveries, team building and collaboration.

MODULE 8 Planning Success by Pragmatism

Common sense rules for pragmatic leaders
The pragmatic 7 – Seven rules of simplicity

MODULE 9 Accepting Humanity for Personal Development

Follower Leaders know when to say I AM SORRY

MODULE 10 Personal Trials Power Crisis Management

Those who run away from managing crises in personal lives can’t do it for others
7 don’ts about being tested
How to manage testing times
Babies teach us about follower leadership
7 characters of tested leaders

MODULE 11: Divisions Destroy Teams

Hallmarks of unifiers and why unity is so important for follower leaders
Dangers of divisions in organizations, governments or teams.
How to manage disunity
7 traits of unifiers

MODULE 12 – Wisdom leads during pandemics and crises

The biggest punishment you can give to a people is to give them a foolish leader
The dangerous redefinition of democracy
12 Laws for wise leaders
Follower Leadership is the World’s New Solution