• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:20 mins read

Learn accounting concepts, conventions, statements, ratios, valuation, budgeting, procurement & financial legislation

What you will learn

Introduction to the fundamentals of accounting and what accounting is

How to analyze financial statements, the advantages and disadvantages

Discuss the different accounting concepts and why they matter in finance

Define important accounting terms: recording, classifying, summarizing, money, and transactions

Explain the objectives of accounting and users of accounting statements

Learn how to debit and credit transactions and use balance sheets

Differentiate cash basis, hybrid basis, and accrual basis

Understand financial management as both an art and science

Explore the different accounting conventions and how they work

Familiarize with the roles and functions of a finance manager

Learn, understand and be able to explain the financial planning process

Learn what index analysis is and its usage in business

Introduce comprehensive income statements and examples of detailed financial statements

Define consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income

Analyze the financial performance of a company and interpret cash flow statements

Learn ratio analysis, its categories and examples

Explain the different types of budget, what is budgeting, key characteristics and approaches

Understand variance analysis, steps, and examples

Learn the procurement management process

Differentiate direct, indirect, and service purchases

Introduce the international financial reporting standards

How to conduct a comparative analysis

Learn what is index analysis


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This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about finance and accounting. The course explores key concepts, issues and techniques necessary to be involved with finances, such as budgeting, cash-flow management, variance analysis, financial statements, asset registers, ratio analysis, fraud prevention, procurement management, and financial management legislation. It will help you understand the success and failure factors of financial management.

Learn Finance Fundamentals to better manage your company’s financial aspects!

While there are plenty of accounting and finance courses courses that focus on financial management, this is a comprehensive course that caters the need of finance and non-finance people from beginner to advanced.

This course is designed for all finance and non-finance managers who want to improve their financial management skills, learn accounting and finance fundamentals, and analyse financial statements to better manage their organisation’s finances.

What will you learn:

  • Introduce the fundamentals of accounting and what accounting is
  • Discuss the different accounting concepts
  • Define important accounting terms: recording, classifying, summarising, money, and transactions
  • Explain the objectives of accounting and users of accounting statements
  • Learn how to debit and credit transactions and use balance sheets
  • Differentiate cash basis, hybrid basis, and accrual basis
  • Understand financial management as both an art and science
  • Explore the different accounting conventions
  • Familiarise with the roles and functions of a finance manager
  • Explain the financial planning process
  • How to analyse financial statements, the advantages and disadvantages
  • Learn what index analysis is and its usage
  • Introduce comprehensive income statements and examples of detailed financial statements
  • Define consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income
  • Analyse the financial performance of a company and interpret cash flow statements
  • Learn ratio analysis, its categories and examples
  • Explain the different types of budget, what is budgeting, key characteristics and approaches
  • Understand variance analysis, steps, and examples
  • Learn the procurement management process
  • Differentiate direct, indirect, and service purchases
  • Introduce the international financial reporting standards
  • How to conduct a comparative analysis
  • Learn what is index analysis
  • …and more!

Contents and Overview

This course is aimed at teaching finance and non-finance managers about the fundamentals of accounting and finance, to help you better manage your company’s finances.

You’ll start with the Fundamentals of Accounting and define important terms such as recording, classifying, summarising, money and transactions. You will then dive into the Objectives of accounting; Users of accounting statements; Important terms such as Debit/credit , transaction, balance sheet, and capital, Assets, Bad debt, Depreciation, and Working capital; Cash basis , Hybrid basis, and Accrual basis.

Then you will learn about the Users of Accounting Information & Accounting Concepts and dive deeper into Accounting Convention topics such as Accounting Conventions: Conservatism, Consistency, Materiality, Disclosure; Financial management and art of science; Roles and Functions of a Finance Manager; Accounting vs Finance; and the process of financial planning.

We will also cover Financial management, financial manager and functions, and work closely with Analysis of Financial Statements; How analysis is done; Financial statement analysis and Comparative analysis; as well as the advantages and disadvantages; How calculations are made in analysis statement; What is an index analysis and its usage; Advantages and disadvantages of General analysis; Common Size Statement Analysis and Examples.

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This course will also tackle Financial statements – Public internal score: Comprehensive Income Statement; Detailed example of financial statements; Points on business finance; Financial position on balance sheet.

Learn Market value real time ex, Balance sheet, Comp income statement, cash flow statement: Financial statement and other financial information; Consolidated income statement and Consolidated statement of comprehensive income; Sample of cashflow statement; Consolidated cash flow statement; Consolidated statement of changes in equity; Financial performance of a company; and Key financial data.

This course will also discuss what is ratio analysis; Ratio analysis categories and Example of statement of comprehensive income; How to solve gross profit margin and formula; Total asset turnover; Current asset turnover and property, plant and equipment turnover; Trade Receivable and payable turnover; Inventory turnover and Turnover ratios; Trade receivable turnover time; Inventory turnover time and Cash Conversion cycle; Liquidity ratios, current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, solvency; and Ratio Analysis – Meaning, GP Margin, EBIT, NP Margin, Return on Asset.

Next, you will learn about Market value – Investment EPS-DPS, P-E, Dividend payment, Mkt to book; Budgeting – characteristics, approaches, implications and types of budget; Variance analysis, steps, ex, cash planning, cash budget; Procurement management process and fraud risks; Financial regulations – CO Lou, USA, EU, South Africa; International Financial Reporting Standards; Time Value of Money; Accounting Records and Comparative Analysis; index Analysis; and Set of financial statement, income and key terms.

Then we will finish off the course on statement of cash flows.

Who are the Instructors?

Dr Rajashree Yalgi from Digital Regenesys is your lead instructor – a professional making a living from her teaching skills with expertise in finance. She has joined with content creator Peter Alkema to bring you this amazing new course.

You’ll get premium support and feedback to help you become more confident with finance!

Our happiness guarantee…

We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren’t happy with your purchase, we will refund your course – no questions asked!

We can’t wait to see you in the course!

Enroll now, and we’ll help you write better than ever!

Peter and Dr Rajeshree Yalgi




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Introduction to the course

Fundamentals of Accounting

Fundamentals of accounting
Definition of terms: recording, classifying, summarising, money and transactions
Objectives of accounting
Users of accounting statements
Important terms: Debit/credit , transaction, balance sheet, and capital
Important terms: Assets, Bad debt, Depreciation, and Working capital
Cash basis , Hybrid basis, and Accrual basis

Users of Accounting Information & Accounting Concepts

Users of accounting information
Accounting concepts

Accounting Conventions

Accounting Conventions: Conservatism, Consistency, Materiality, Disclosure
Financial management and art of science
Roles of a Finance Manager
Functions of a Finance Manager
Accounting vs Finance
The process of financial planning

Finance Management

Financial management, financial manager and functions

Quiz: Accounting Conventions, Role Of Finance Manager

Accounting Conventions: Role of the Finance Manager

Analysis of Financial Statements Part 1

Analysing financial statements
How analysis is done
Financial statement analysis and Comparative analysis
Advantages and disadvantages
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Analysis Of Financial Statements Part 2

How calculations are made in analysis statement
What is an index analysis
Usage of index analysis
Advantages and disadvantages of General analysis
Common Size Statement Analysis
Common Size Statement – Example

Financial statements – Public internal score

Comprehensive Income Statement
Detailed example of financial statement
Points on business finance
Financial position
Financial position on balance sheet

Market value real time ex, Bal sheet, Comp income statement, cash flow statement

Financial statement and other financial information part 1
Financial statement and other financial information part 2
Consolidated income statement and Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Sample of cashflow statement
Consolidated cash flow statement
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Financial performance of a company
Key financial data

Quiz: Income Statement, Sources Of Funds, Cash Flow Statement

Income Statement, Sources of Funds, Cash Flow Statement

Ratio Analysis

What is ratio analysis
Ratio analysis categories and Example of statement of comprehensive income
How to solve gross profit margin and formula

Quiz: Ratios

Quiz: Ratios

Ration Analysis Part 2

Sample of financial statement
Total asset turnover
Current asset turnover and property, plant and equipment turnover
Trade Receivable and payable turnover
Inventory turnover and Turnover ratios
Trade receivable turnover time
Inventory turnover time and Cash Conversion cycle

Liquidity ratios, current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, solvency

Learn what is ratio analysis
Liquidity ratios and current ratio
Quick ratio in detail
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Cash ratio
Solvency and debt asset ratio
Debt equity ratio
Financial leverage ratio and Interest coverage ratio

Ratio Analysis – Meaning, GP Margin, EBIT, NP Margin, Return on Asset

Learn what is ratio analysis – For meaningful analysis of company results
Gross profit margin and ratio analysis categories (old terms and new terms)
Types of ratios
Learn gross profit margin
Learn about the formulas

Market value – Investment EPS-DPS, P-E, Dividend payment, Mkt to book

Earnings per share
Dividend per share and Price to earnings multiple value
Dividend payout ratio and Market to book value
Cash flow to debit ratio and cash flow turnover ratio
Cashflow to operating profit ratio and dividend cover ratio
Limitations on financial statement

Quiz: Financial & Comparative Statement Analysis. Index Comparison

Financial & Comparative Statement Analysis. Index Comparison

Budgeting – characteristics, approaches, implications and types of budget

What is budgeting
Key characteristics for budgeting
The how and approach in Budgeting defined
Cost implications of budgeting
Different types of budget

Variance analysis, steps, ex, cash planning, cash budget

What is variance analysis
Steps on variance analysis
Variance analysis examples
Spelling the need
Cash budget exercise
Production budget problem and solution

Procurement management process

What is procurement management
Procurement management defined
Direct, indirect, and service purchases
Procurement process pipeline – Schema
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Procurement process – Fraud risks

Conducive environment for fraud
Fraud risk and automation
Case study: procurement
Procurement conclusion video

Financial regulations – CO Lou, USA, EU, South Africa

Company law – European Union
Company law – South Africa
Finance Regulation South Africa

International Financial Reporting Standards

International financial reporting standards
Why international accounting standards
IFRS – Key standards
Environment social and governance model

Time Value of Money

Time value of money

Accounting Records and Comparative Analysis

Accounting records and equation case
Comparative analysis

Quiz: Finance Fundamentals

Quiz: Finance Fundamentals

Case Study: Turnover Ratios, Total Asset Turnover

Case study – Zulu Love Beans Ltd
Learn ratio analysis
Turn over ratios and total asset turnover
Current asset turnover and Property, Plant and equipment turnover
Trade receivable and payable turnover
Inventory turnover and turn over ratios
Trade receivable turnover time and inventory turnover time
Trade payable turnover time and cash conversion cycle

Index Analysis

Index analysis

Set of financial statement, income and key terms

Complete financial statement and Comprehensive income statement
Detailed example of a financial statement
Financial postion on balance sheet

Statement of Cashflows

Statement of cash flows – Operating activities
Statement of cash flows – Investing activities
Statement of cash flows – Financing activities
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