Basic Techniques
What You Will Learn
Fashion Technical Drawing
Dry Paint Techniques
Basic Drawing and Toning Applications
Silhouette Dressing
Dry Paint
Fashion design is design, aesthetics, clothing making and the art of applying natural beauty to clothing and accessories. It is influenced by culture and different trends, and varies with time and place.
KOMEK was established in 2004 and provided vocational training to 1500 people per year with courses opened in 3 different centres.
Our KOMEK courses, which have become a brand in vocational education in Turkey, improve their professional and artistic knowledge while responding to the general education needs of the people of our city.
As a public university, our courses, which contribute to employment, train artisans, ensure the personal development of the trainees, and contribute to the social life of the city while doing these, have provided training in 474 branches since its establishment.
Moda tasarımı, tasarım, estetik, giysi yapımı ve doğal güzelliği giysi ve aksesuarlarına uygulama sanatıdır. Kültürden ve farklı eğilimlerden etkilenir ve zamana ve yere göre değişiklik gösterir.
KOMEK 2004 yılında kurularak, 3 ayrı merkezde açılan kurslarla yılda 1500 kişiye mesleki eğitim vermiştir.
Bir halk üniversitesi olarak istihdama katkıda bulunan, sanatkâr yetiştiren, kursiyerin kişisel gelişimini sağlayan, bunları yaparken de şehrin sosyal hayatına katkı yapan kurslarımız, kurulduğu günden bu yana 474 Branşta eğitim verdi, 1 milyona yakın insanımızın yararlandığı, binlerce kursiyerimiz yeni bir meslek sahibi oldu.
Who this course is for:
- For those who want to learn fashion technical drawing.