This stand-alone master course will provide you with needed the training to become a professional SQL user, starting from a complete beginner’s level! You will gain the knowledge required to operate databases, gaining hands-on practice using RDS MySQL on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Through in-depth theory and practical application, you will become a professional in SQL data analysis with ease.
[The goal of this course]
-You will learn how to build a functioning MySQL environment using AWS.
-You will learn necessary SQL commands and SQL best practices
-You will gain a practical understanding of how to conduct data analysis using SQL queries.
Master MySQL SQL and gain confidence in operating AWS services using databases for a an exciting future in data analysis, application development and much more.
[Concept of this course]
Combining theory and practice maximizes the learning effect.
1. Database and Acquisition of SQL knowledge
2. Hands-on training Practical Training
3. Business Case Analysis
[Section list]
Your First MySQL DB and SQL Experience
You will experience SQL operations by implementing MySQL database construction using AWS
Databases and SQL Overview
You will learn basic knowledge about databases and SQL.
Create Database
You will learn to use SQL to manipulate queries to create databases and tables.
Insert and update data
You will learn how to register, update, and delete data from tables using SQL.
SQL Coding Know-how
You will learn about the best way to code SQL.
Database detail settings
You will learn how to set up tables in detail, including associations between tables and setting options.
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Database setting exercises
You will conduct case study exercises using SQL know-how on database construction
Restore database
You will create a database to be used in the future SQL operation learning using the migration file.
SQL Data Extract Know how
You will learn to extract data using condition statement such as WHERE and HAVING
SQL Logical Operators
You will learn to operate data using various SQL Logical Operators such as AND, OR, Equal sign, inequality sign
SQL Functions
You will learn how to perform simple operations and statistics such as numerical calculations and summation.
You will learn how to join tables using JOIN and how to join SELECT statements using UNION.
You will learn how to use VIEW is sets of complex queries that can be called up at any time.
You will learn how to use subqueries to concatenate multiple queries to create complex SQL queries.
Stored procedure
You will learn how to create a stored procedure that summarizes a series of operations on a database.
MySQL for Applications
You will learn how to use SQL in code for Application by Hands-on training to embed MySQL in your application.
[About AWS usage fees]
AWS usage fees will be incurred when implementing the lectures in this course, but we will try to keep the costs as low as possible.
Your First MySQL DB and SQL Experience
Download the text
Your First MySQL DB and SQL Experience
Register for an AWS account
MySQL DB and SQL experience (1) (Building RDS)
MySQL DB and SQL experience (2) (Installing MySQL Workbench)
MySQL DB and SQL experience (3) (Connecting to and operating RDS)
Overview of Databases and SQL
Database Basics
Relational Database Overview
MySQL Overview
SQL Overview
RDS Overview
Overview of MySQL Workbench
Adding a Database
Creating a Database
In the database Data type
Add table
Check the structure of the table
Delete table
Delete database
SQL queries in this section
Adding and updating data
Add data to the table
SQL query from the previous lecture
Data addition task
Add data Explanation
SQL query from the previous lecture
How to update data
SQL query from the previous lecture
Data update Issue
Data update Explanation
SQL query from the previous lecture
How to delete data
SQL query from the previous lecture
Difference between DROP / TRUNCATE / DELETE
Delete table data_issue
Table Data Deletion Assignment: Explanation
SQL query from the previous lecture
SQL coding know-how
SQL Coding Tips
Organize long code
SQL query from the previous lecture
Application settings for table creation
Primary key setting (1)
Primary key setting (2)
SQL query from the previous lecture
Foreign key settings (1)
Foreign key settings (2)
Foreign key settings (3)
SQL query from the previous lecture
Unique key settings
SQL query from the previous lecture
Utilization of Rollback
SQL query from the previous lecture
SQL query from the previous lecture
Null value setting
SQL query from the previous lecture
Setting the default value
SQL query from the previous lecture
Database construction exercises
Case study 1 Database construction
【Answer1】 Creating a database of personnel information
【Answer2】Creating the Employee Information Table
【Answer3】Create a personnel evaluation table
【Answer1】Create a payroll information table
SQL query from the previous lecture
Restoring the Database
Database import (restore)(1)
Database import (restore) (2)
Database export (backup)
ER diagram creation
Data extraction
Utilization of SELECT
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of WHERE
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of AS
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of DISTINCT
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of ORDER BY
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of LIMIT
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of LIKE
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of GROUP BY
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of HAVING
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement1
Case study using SELECT Explanation1
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement2
Case study using SELECT Explanation2
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement3
Case study using SELECT Explanation3
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement4
Case study using SELECT Explanation4
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement5
Case study using SELECT Explanation5
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study using SELECT statement6
Case study using SELECT Explanation6
SQL query command for previous lecture
Using logical operators
Equal formula
SQL query command for previous lecture
Logical formula by inequality sign
SQL query command for previous lecture
Logical formula by NOT LIKE
SQL query command for previous lecture
Logical expression by AND and OR
SQL query command for previous lecture
BETWEEN formula
SQL query command for previous lecture
Logical formula by IN
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 1 Problem
Case Study Exercise 1 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study exercises2 Problem.
Case Study Exercise 2 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study exercises3 Problem.
Case Study Exercise 3 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study exercises4 Problem.
Case Study Exercise 4 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case study exercises5 Problem.
Case Study Exercise 5 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Functions available in SQL
Utilization of basic calculation formulas
SQL query command for previous lecture
Aggregate function (1)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Aggregate function (2)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Aggregate function (3)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Functions related to strings (1)
Functions related to strings (2)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Functions related to strings (3)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Date and time functions (1)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Date and time functions (2)
SQL query command for previous lecture
Other functions
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 1 Problem
Case Study Exercise 1 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 2 Problem
Case Study Exercise 2 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 3 Problem
Case Study Exercise 3 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 4 Problem
Case Study Exercise 4 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 5 Problem
Case Study Exercise 5 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Joining Tables
Overview of JOIN / UNION
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
3 or more tables To JOIN
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 1 Problem
Case Study Exercise 1 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 2 Problem
Case Study Exercise 2 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 3 Problem
Case Study Exercise 3 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 4 Problem
Case Study Exercise 4 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 5 Problem
Case Study Exercise 5 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Use of VIEW
Utilization of VIEW
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilizing Subqueries
How to use subqueries
Subquery in FROM clause
SQL query command for previous lecture
Subquery in SELECT clause
SQL query command for previous lecture
Subquery in WHERE clause
SQL query command for previous lecture
SQL query command for previous lecture
Subquery in HAVING clause
SQL query command for previous lecture
ANY / SOME / ALL formula
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 1 Problem
Case Study Exercise 1 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 2 Problem
Case Study Exercise 2 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 3 Problem
Case Study Exercise 3 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Case Study Exercise 4 Problem
Case Study Exercise 4 Explanation
SQL query command for previous lecture
Overview of stored routines
Utilization of stored procedures
SQL query command for previous lecture
Utilization of parameters
SQL query command for previous lecture
Definition of stored function
SQL query command for previous lecture