Case study RVS Evaluation after an earthquake
What you will learn
What is an Earthquake
General Principles of Seismic Engineering
How Buildings Resist Earthquakes
Performance Requirements and Compliance Criteria
Ground Conditions and Seismic Actions
Evaluation of Recent Earthquakes in Buildings, Case Study
Earthquakes are natural phenomena that impact the life of people who live in zones prone to them. But what is an earthquake, their size, when and where do they hit? what are eq resistant buildings? So, It is of great importance to understand the mechanism in order to undertake precautions and design improvements to have a more resistant urban infrastructure. This presentation takes into consideration the issues related to structural problems caused by the two earthquakes in 2019 (case study) . The team of structural engineers did inspection and post assessment immediately after these earthquakes.
The aim of Rapid evaluation immediately after earthquake was to identify the buildings seriously affected and represent a hazard for the community . This evaluation was based on structural and non-structural damage and geotechnical failure. Mission was to identify the buildings which are expected to be more vulnerable and categorization of them.
Know buildings in need of urgent demolition, local hazards that have to be removed for safety purposes and, in general, safety measures that have to be taken in order to avoid further casualties or injuries. The findings of the field engineering group were uploaded to a web portalΒ in order to share to the public and beneficiaries . This portal also contains the location of the objects and integrates with ASIG GPS coordinates.
We will represent some of the findings achieved during these inspections and at the end give some recomendations for the future.