• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Emotional Intelligence
Understanding Emotions in the World of Feelings

What you will learn

Understand why emotional intelligence matters.

Learn to control your emotions.

Understand how to better intervene with the help of high emotional intelligence.

Develop resilient responses to challenges.


Emotional Intelligence and Shaping Feelings for a Better World

Embark on a transformative journey with our Emotional Intelligence course, meticulously crafted to enhance your self-awareness and interpersonal skills. This course is tailored for individuals eager to master the art of managing emotions in both personal and professional settings. It skilfully merges the concepts of emotional intelligence with practical strategies for self-improvement and relationship building.

Key Features of This Course:

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  • Dynamic Emotional Management: Designed for the complexities of modern life, this course provides you with the tools to adeptly manage emotions in various scenarios, fostering growth and resilience.
  • Blending Theory and Practice: Combines the fundamental concepts of emotional intelligence with practical, real-life application. It bridges the gap between the theoretical aspects of emotional intelligence and its practical relevance, leading to a thorough grasp of essential emotional skills
  • Practical Insights and Strategies: Engage in a journey that not only teaches you about emotional intelligence but also equips you with actionable strategies to implement in your daily life.

This course serves as a compelling introduction to the world of Emotional Intelligence. Through a series of thoughtfully curated theory videos, you’ll gain crucial insights into the nuances of emotional intelligence.

Course Curriculum Highlights:

  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence: Uncover the essence of emotional intelligence, understanding its impact on personal and professional growth.
  • Four Skills in Emotional Intelligence: Dive deep into the four core competencies of emotional intelligence, exploring how they shape interactions and decision-making.
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills: Master the art of expressing and interpreting emotions through both spoken words and unspoken cues.
  • Social Management and Responsibility: Learn to navigate social dynamics with empathy and responsibility, enhancing relationships and collaboration.
  • Tools to Regulate Your Emotions: Discover techniques to effectively manage and channel your emotions for constructive outcomes.
  • Gaining Control: Strategies to take charge of your emotional responses, fostering a proactive approach to challenges.
  • Business Practices and Making an Impact: Apply emotional intelligence in a business context, learning how to make a positive and lasting impact in professional settings.
  • Wrapping Up: Conclude with key takeaways and a roadmap for continuing your emotional intelligence journey.

Gain unlimited access to the course materials and progress at your own pace, laying the groundwork for the Emotional Intelligence course experience.



Getting Started

Getting Started

Unit 1.1 – What is Emotional Intelligence

Unit 1.1 – What is Emotional Intelligence

Unit 2.1 – Four Skills in Emotional Intelligence

Unit 2.1 – Four Skills in Emotional Intelligence

Unit 3.1 – Verbal Communication Skills

Unit 3.1 – Verbal Communication Skills

Unit 4.1 – Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Unit 4.1 – Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Unit 5.1 – Social Management and Responsibility

Unit 5.1 – Social Management and Responsibility

Unit 6.1 – Tools to Regulate Your Emotions

Unit 6.1 – Tools to Regulate Your Emotions

Unit 7.1 – Gaining Control

Unit 7.1 – Gaining Control

Unit 8.1 – Business Practices (I)

Unit 8.1 – Business Practices (I)

Unit 9.1 – Business Practices (II)

Unit 9.1 – Business Practices (II)

Unit 10.1 – Making an Impact

Unit 10.1 – Making an Impact

Unit 11.1 – Wrapping Up

Unit 11.1 – Wrapping Up

Mock Exam

Mock Exam